L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

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This page will is hell-ish introduction to my entire site.
I'll start by writing a small bit about why I started this blog.

I started working on this blog because I wanted a place where I could leave behind all my thoughts with some amount of freedom. Also, I wanted to write about my interests without people making fun of me and without people just reading through it half-assed, because I have spent a lot of time writing it. Another thing that inspired me to write this blog is my own ego. A place all about me where people get to read about me and my thoughts. It is very egotistical if you think about it, but sometimes a little bit of egoistical nature is needed to entertain other people more easily. I hope people will still end up enjoying what I write even if a lot of it will end up being astonishingly self indulgent. Now, in the next parts of this page, I will introduce all the individual tabs. After these introductions, I will end up adding cool updates about interesting accomplishments I have made on this site. Such as finishing a page or making large progress on one.

Some of how this blog works.

Individual posts are usually only displayed as the title. If you click on this title it will expand into the full post. I did this in an attempt to declutter my blog. On top of this, I will be hiding some pages in the side-banners that are not in need of regular updates.

Music rants

Well, the title speaks for itself. This will be a page (more like a page directory) for my rants on music i particularly enjoy. I will probably write in depth about the tunes I like, so be patient with new reviews popping up, because it takes ages to get a review/analysis done in the style I want to write them. I might eventually take suggestions about who to write about too, but this would only be when I am through all the works I want to write about out of my own want. Which are a lot of albums by a lot of artists. So just explore this page in a while if you want to see my thought, feelings, and some interesting fact(oid)s about the music which I enjoy listening to.

Movie rants

Oncemore I feel like this title speaks for the context of this page. It will eventually be a proper page directory too, on which I will write about movies that I have seen. Both the good and the bad, but mostly the good. I will definitely end up taking suggestions for this page once I have gotten started and have a couple pages (and reviews) done so that you all will be able to have an idea what kind of movies I like, and what kind I do not. On top of this, I intend to add my psychological horror tierlist to this site when I have written reviews on a bunch of those movies. This is a project I have been tinkering at for a good couple months, so have patience. It will take a while, but hopefully it will end up with a load of interesting thoughts for all of you to read.


This channel means something different than you might expect. It is not exactly a ranty venty page where I will complain about everything wrong in my life that is bothering me. Rather it will be a page where I share my thoughts and ideas at the time of writing with as little filter as possible. I will also talk about events that happened on the day of writing or in the days leading up to me writing it. It might not be updated as frequently when I am busy, but I will try to write on it semi-regularly. In order to keep people who may follow this page happy and fueled with new content. I might end up adding a specific page for a project which I may be undertaking soon too. Because it will be fun, and probably have a sort of alternative reality game vibe to it, even though it is about real life events and real life research.


To immediately clear this potential point of confusion; No. This page is not meant as a page to worship me. Much rather it will be a page where I will talk about my beliefs and practices. My beliefs and practices have been shaped by many a thing, and thus I do not feel the need to align myself with any of the major religious streams. I do not have the remotest of clues as to what movements have similar beliefs to what I believe, I am certain there exists a or multiple movements, but I do not care enough to figure out what/which movements these would be.

Art Dump

This channel is dedicated to display all art that I have made that I can dig up. I will display it in a manner that makes it easy to browse through, so you can more easily see my evolution in art style. There is also a piece of text with every art piece to share my thoughts, feelings and memories surrounding the piece with all of you guys. I will also try to give a bit of context to each and every piece, however I can not promise my memory is the greatest, nor can I promise that it will be a hundred percent accurate to the real story of the piece. I will, however try my best to acccompany each piece with its story.

About Me

This is the channel where I am incredibly self indulgent regarding my life story and (lack of) life accomplishments. For the rest this page will serve as an introduction to who I am and why I am the way that I am. I will also write, in summary, some forming parts of my life in chronological, or as close as I can get to chronological, order so that all of you can read about my past trauma as a twisted kind of entertainment.


It is incontrovertibly as easy as the name of the page suggest. A channel where i can flex all my socials. Just some simple stuff for if people wish to reach out to me just to chat, or to give music/movie reccomendations. It will not be a big deal if you decide not to follow me or reach out to me, however, I thought a method of contacting me might be fun for some of all of you.

10000 site views.

Yippee hurrah, I just hit 10k page views. All of you who have checked this blog and stayed 'round to see what it is going to turn into are cool, though behind the scenes I do tend to refer to you as my internet stalkers, because really, that is just what you are. You read my deepest inner thoughts and get to discect it all bit by bit while I do not even know your name. You get to tear me the fuck apart without me caring particularly much, because I do not know you are doing that. Anyhow, thank you all for letting me reach this minor milestone, and lets hopethere will be many more yet to come as this blog increases in size!

5000 site views.

Just hit 5k page views bitches. Is this not great? Most of them are probably bots and shit. But you know, this is still a massive win in my book. I win this, and I am scared for doing so. I fear people will like come after me and hunt me down or whatever, but hey, thems the risks. Or I am just paranoid as hell. Who knows. But this is quite a neat milestone and hopefully I keep getting further.

My first big accomplishment: finished my biggest art project thusfar.

I finally finished a project I have spent several hundred hours tinkering at over the course of three years. It involved probably well over ten-thousand artificial flowers which were all hand sown onto a skirt. On top of that, I made a matching top out of foliage and did a similar thing to a bag. On top of that I have a matching flower crown and hair accesoiries. I will share a good picture of this outfit on my art page soon. I will be wearing it out to a festival this weekend, so I will have ample oppurtunity to get good pictures taken then. There will also be make-up and nailpolish and all that fun stuff in those pictures, so it should be a fun time.

Family of ducks swimming across the page

site made by Lobsterface