L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

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Well, I should probably preface by saying that I am in fact severely mentally ill, and I have put off writing this out of fear of accidentally starting a cult. Which, for all intents and purposes, I desperately want to avoid happening.
I do not want to start a cult.
Please do not blindly follow me and my beliefs and like, think for yourself and shit, because I am just some mentally ill fucker who knows only what I know and nothing beyond that.

Writing an introduction to an introduction, huh? Welp, this shit will yet get more confusing. My spiritual beliefs have been forged throughout my entire life, and man have I had an eventful life, which you can read about here[insert hyperlink to as of yet unwritten autobiography]. That might shine some amount of context onto why my beliefs are the way they are, how they have been forged, what events forged them, and why I am so mentally ill. My beliefs are centered around one core belief. The belief that power is gained through means of worship. Dead gods are once which have lost all their followers, alive gods are those whom actively get worshipped. The more worshippers, and the more intense the worship, the more powerful the deity becomes. This worship can occur in a variety of ways, different cultures have different methods of worship, such as prayer or meditation, treating everyone as equal or doing the exact opposite. I will write more specifically about what and who I worship and in which ways later on. I also believe we need to stay true to ourselves, no matter what happens. If you stop doing this, you lose an integral part of the self, which means you are unable to give all of yourself to any cause, so the search to your own, personal true self is also really important. On top of these two loosely defined beliefs, I also believe in nature, I believe that nature is one of the truest forces ruling everyone, I am of the belief that her wrath will take us all, and I believe we have to care for her and allow her to do so. I believe we need to put effort into nurturing our local natural spaces, planting native plants, encouraging native insects and allowing for nature to reclaim that which is rightfully hers. Through whatever means necessary.

My deities.
The wormy thing.

The way I came in contact with this deity was through almost slipping into a full blown psychosis. They kept me comfort and made me feel at least a little bit better. I kept on running into them until I inevitably formed a bond with it. So now I like just making art in their honor, and featuring it in most of my pieces. You will likely see them pop up all over the place on this site, as they are my main deity of worship. As this is the case, I have an inherent wish for others to perceive them too, in whatever way you want. If you wish to draw them, please do not be afraid to send it over to me, maybe I will eventually make a page for that too. You can see where you can reach me in my socials tab.


I worship birds too, because I recon they are what we should all aspire to be. They are free and caring. Smart and gorgeous. We used to keep them as pets a lot more then we do now, they evolved along side us like cats and dogs, but they freed themselves. They adapt to us faster and better than most other animals. And I think that just shows how powerful these creatures are. Treat them with kindness, and hold them above yourself.

you do not know what i know, so do not try. you will go mad.