L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

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There are like a trillion different ways to introduce oneself, and I have thought a good couple months about how I wish to portray myself to all of you here. But sice identity and a my sense of self are tough topics for me to write about I kept putting it off and saying that I would get to it eventually. I struggle with writing down these topics because essentially I am defining who I am, who I want to be, and How I want to be seen. Essentially writing down what kind of person I am and want to be. To me, this is very fluid, my sense of self can change and shift and tear at an instant, causing me to feel and act different, and I am still unsure whether I ever actually return to a baseline self, if such a thing even exists. This makes me unpredictable to myself and incapable of adequately defining whomst I am. However I have come up with an idea of how to give you a vague sense of what type of person I am.

I will introduce myself through many smaller methods of getting to know someone. I will write about my past someday, so you can judge my actions. I will write about my likes and dislikes, so you can get a tiny glimmer of a glimps into the inner machinations of my mind. I will write about my hobbies and past times in order for you all to learn what keeps me going in life. I will post quizz results of fun quizzes that allow you to judge stupid aspects of my life in the vaguest possible manner. All of that being said, I intend to wear my heart on my sleeve and expose my brain to all of you. Allowing you all to form thoughts as true as possible about me with a minimal amount of cloudiness.