L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

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Blow Job (1964)

Silent film about a man getting a blowjob from supposedly another man. All you can see is his face, and thus the focus is put a lot on the expressions he makes from the pleasure he receives. I find this really interesting and a neat bit of queer history.

(1966) The Chelsea girls

What did I just watch? Genuinely, what did I just shove into my brain. Twelve unrelated clips of approximately thirty-three minutes each. Displayed on two screens simultaneously. A run time of three hours fifteen minutes. Yet it did not feel like I gained anything from watching it. I was hardly even entertained. This movie was honestly messy to get through. It just dragged on so long. The only situation in which I could consider this movie to have additional value to offer, is as a silent film being projected onto a wall during a party in which everyone is drinking/smoking and doing art. Other than in that hyperspecific situation, I do not see when this movie would offer any benefits to a situation. I would not recommend watching it, especially not in one go. It is a boring experimental (But a failed experiment.) movie made by someone who was honestly just publishing things for the sake of putting them out there.