L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)

This movie was so bad it was enjoyable. I was not the target audience for this film and I was unable to figure out who actually would have been. It was so hilariously bad that I kind of ended up loving it. It was absurd, and stuff just happened with little reason to. The blind guy somehow catching a crossbow bolt, thinking he can see before walking into a tree, the witch saving the bad guy's life only to force him to marry her, the metal underwear, and I could just keep naming hilariously bad things that happened. I kept switching between cringing and laughing and a mix of both while watching it.
If you think stupid, unrealistic, hilariously bad movies are great, I would recommend this movie! (Broomhilde is great, I love her.)

I will also write here about "‘Robin Hood: Men in Tights’ – The Legend Had It Coming (1993)" The behind the scenes of this movie, which are supposedly better. The deleted arrow point of view scene is abolutely rediculous, I love it. Especially the fact it splits a tree clean in half. I can not take this serious, but I do not think I am supposed to in the first place. Oh my god, some of the actors are breaking the fourth wall in character. This is gold. This is literal comedy gold. It is hilarious deleted scenes, mixed with the most comedic bits, all condensed into a much shorter formfactor. There are also hilarious clips of inspiration for scenes in this movie, which I also really love. Overall a good movie. I would recommend this movie more than the full one.

Forrest Gump (1994)

This is a movie I hold dear to my hear. It is great, it is lovely, it is wholesome. It is a rollercoaster, both in terms of the story and what it does to my emotions. Forrest Gump is a great guy with an interesting life. From fighting a war, to becoming a war hero, to becoming an icon in the peace movement. From shrimping, to table tennis, to American football and running indefinetely without purpose. He is a great guy with a good heart. He loves those around him, even when they are not good to him. Yet somehow he got a mostly happy ending. He got the girl, and the child. He has a nice home and things to do.
One of my favorite little details is that Forrest Gump loses from his son in table tennis because he stopped looking at the ball in order to look at his son, the most beautiful thing in his life. The literal lovechild of him and his no passed away wife. I also really like how the general changed from a pro war, wanting to die in it lieutenant into a resentful person, into an accepting person.
My only criticism of this movie is how it frames all the social injustice movements, such as the anti war movement and the blackpanthers are framed as a joke and a bad way to go, and thus that blind obedience is the only way to be a good person and to be happy. Which is something I do not agree with at all, because if we did that, the world would be a lot worse for wear.

Flatliners (2017)

This sure was a movie. I remember I used to like it years back, but now that is not the case anymore. It is significantly weaker than I remember, especially toward the end of the story. It is just a lazy remake of the original with less spark (I will re-watch the original and review it soon, I promise!!). It feels like it does not have anything new nor special to offer. It feels like a lazy attempt at a cash grab by redoing an old movie with a unique plot that has been largely forgotten and now obscure movie.
That is all I have to say on this movie.