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Insdide out 2 (2024)

Just saw inside out 2 in the cinema. I quite enjoyed the movie, so I will write a short piece about it. It started with a timejump, and we cut into a hockey game in which Riley (The main character girl) plays and she only has the good old reliable emotions in her head. She wins this match by pulling some bullshit power of friendship ass move. Then BOOM the problem of the movie gets revealed through EXPOSITION. It is puberty. Yeah, how predictable, the follow up of a movie about the emotions of a kid is a movie about the emotions of a kid undergoing puberty. It is then chaos in riley's brain because the moodboard the emotions play with became oversensitive and shit and suddenly Riley is out of control. Anger. Sadness. Joy. Fear. Disgust.
It was kind of funny to see because it was very real, because I, too, have rapid mood switches sometimes. Then some more exposition happens, and suddenly, theres 5 (6 if counting nostalgia which does not have a role outside of comedic relief) new emotions. Anxiety kinda took over the place which upset Joy, so Anxiety kicked Joy and the rest of her gang out. They now have to go on an adventure to save Riley, making new friends along the way. There was some big dark secret, but I don't think they revealed what it was. I think it is that she likes girls too, so like, Inside out 3: out of the closet or something. Then there is more chaos and shenanigans, and an actually funny bit about sarcasm. While all this is happening, Anxiety is turning Riley into a class-A douchebag. When Joy and her gang finally make their way to where they need to be to safe the day, Anxiety commits terrorism and destroys their only way back. So like the knock-offs Joy and her gang are, they call on a knock-off bag from Dora the Explorer to commit terrorism too. I KID YOU NOT, they pull out a bunch of dynamite and blow up a mountain to cause an avelanche to ride that back to HQ I ask again: How is this appropriate for a kids movie?
Pixar: teaching kids terrorism saves the day since 2024.
Then there's some big emotional climax of the movie yada yada yada Joy saves the day, Riley is on the hockey team, happy ending. That was basically the plot of the movie.

Now as for my actual review of the movie: overall i think it was quite a decent movie. The story was not some tried to death trope that has honestly been exhausted. It was kind of refreshing to see a kids movie go this in-depth on the emotional aspects of puberty. I also quite liked the sequence with the panic attack. Not in some sadistic 'I like seeing people suffer' way, rather because, in my opinion, it was admirable to see people try to display a panic attack in a way that even kids would be able to understand it. It was very simplified, but yet, oh so accurate. Just feeling so overwhelmed by something running amok in your brain that you have a complete fucking breakdown? Just thoughts looping and looping and looping, and more thoughts that just keep on coming in, until, just like shown in the movie, there is a hurricane of Anxiety. It even stayed after the initial trigger got taken away, which is kind of real.
I also had to prevent myself from laughing at the fighting game guy. He was great comedic relief. Massive fucking sword, but instead of using it in his attack sequence he would just drop his sword, curl up into a ball (Think an Armadillo), and roll at his enemies. This was such a good 'random but funny' moment. I think this pretty much sums up how i feel about this movie. Hope you liked this review.