L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

A gif of the addmas family sitting at home in low quality game graphics
A picture of the 1991 tiger electronics addams family handheld
Fester looking at a UFO with sunglasses and taking them off and looking at the camera (game gif)
Link to the Lobster WebMap
sprites from the 1991 tiger electronics addams family handheld game
A gif of the addmas family getting cheered on in a movie theater in low quality game graphics
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The Addams Family games

I found out there are many games about/with the characters of/vaguely related to the addams family. And that is what led to me creating this page. I will watch playthroughs and give my opinions, in the hope any are any good.

The Addams Family (1991 tiger electronics) playthrough by Getting your nerd on

I am so confused as to what I am looking at. It feels like such a simple avoiding the particles game, but it has so few fps. Grandmama, lurch, thing, wedbesday, and pugsley are all just throwing items at you. And there are only more characters joining and throwing stuff. I do not understand the point of this game other than being a simple sidescroller. There is no lore here to be found, sadly.

Festerquest (1989 NES) playthrough by Nintendo complete

I like the tunes. The tunes are quite great. Very 8-bit and fun and upbeat. Fester is shooting lumps for cash and other drops, and there are aliens or something. And big weird frogs. The textures kind of remind me of pokemon. The vibe is similar to heartgold soulsilver to me because of the similar textures. This game feels so confusing. It appears to just be a lot of shooting down enemies. And very confusing story. It ends by killing the big alien thing and then the aliens explode and everyone is happy. But it was just a movie and the core addams family was watching and now the entire audience is cheering for them.