L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

Riverdale Season 2 (2017-2018)

The upcoming reviews are moreso live reactions and notes I took about the series as I was watching it. I will be writing a proper series review by the ending of the season, which will be placed on the main Riverdale page. So what is up next is largely unfiltered thoughts which occured in my head as I was watching the show. Also feel the need to add that this page will not be spoiler free in the slightest, so do not be surprised if the entire plot will be spoiled while reading this. I would say watch this on you own first, but honestly, I am unsure if I can recommend doing that.

S2 EP1 Chapter Fourteen: A Kiss Before Dying

Archie's dad goes to the hospital after being shot in the face, and Archie tells everyone about it, including his mom, after some deliberation. He lies to a sherif for no reason. Archie gets sent home for some mediocre reason while his dad is dreaming about death and accepting the need to die.
Archie changes but leaves on his blood-soaked shirt. Him and Veronica walk the dog, and Veronica makes it about herself. Jughead gets help from the serpents to find out who shot Fred (Archie's dad) and Veronica hops in the shower with Archie and they start to fuck. Just after his dad got shot. He was actively washing off the blood.
Cheryll traumadumped to Betty and Jughead, but it was all fictionalized. Archie gets (justifiably) upset at Veronica, and Veronica makes it even more about herself. (Kill yourself bitch ass cunt.)
Jughead gets made fun of by his friends for suspecting foul play. Veronica now suspects her mom for being behind it. Veronica's mom doesn't deny it.
Archie gets to visit his dad at last, whilst his dad hallucinates dying some more. Jughead and Betty go do some independent research. They found out it was, in fact, not a robbery. Betty reveals herself to be intensely bigoted against South side serpents.
Sheryll threatens her mom, and Jughead brings everyone food. Archie reveals more happened than he has revealed beforehand. Sheryll kissed Fred as a thank you to Archie and because she believes herself to be a God (same bitch, but kill yourself anyway.)
I think the dad is officially becoming schizophrenia coded with his hallucinations. Fred promises to protect Archie. Jug the slug gets rizzed up by bigot Betty. The serpents welcome in Jughead with forcefully open arms.
Hiram Lodge is home??? And she is immediately upset at Veronica? Jughead is back at voiceovers, and now he does not sleep at all anymore. Keeping watch over the entrances. MS GRUNDY IS BACK AT ASSAULTING LITTLE KIDS KILL YOURSELF YOU FUCKING CUNT. DIE NOW. DIE. BITCH. I HOPE THE KILLER GETS YOU NEXT. YES! oh shit she died.

(watched and written 01/05/2025)

S2 EP2 Chapter Fifteen: Nighthawks

The vandalism of pop's place is so pointless. I hope who did this kills themselves. Hiram fucking sucks. Archie hunts sheriffs now, I guess.
Archie now has ptsd and almost killed Jughead with a bat. Jughead verbally assaults the mayor, and he threatens her with force. Who the fuck is the clumpster?? Slay queen. Archie becomes a druggie and Betty needs to protect pop's.
Jughead is becoming more devious about working outside of the law. Yooooo the pedophile is officially declared dead! Ooh yeah, woo yeah!! I hope miss grundy died a slow and painful death.
Jughead is now officially working outside of the law. Archie is trying to get info on the murder. Veronica is confronting her parents. Calling her parents liars and bad people. Which they honestly and objectively are.
Sheryl is being a shithead harming everyone. She fucking sucks, and I hope she dies. The drug dealer scares Archie and viciously gets attacked by him.
A liquor shop is buying up pop's. Why is Betty losing it and saying she can fix it all. She is threatening and blackmailing tsjerill, hell the fuck yes.
Betty convinced tsyerille to lie in court for her, and she fucking did it. BETTY TURNED POP'S INTO HOOTERD FOR KIDS? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? OFFICERS, ARREST THE PEDOPHILE MOVIE WRITERS.
I think Veronica called Archie daddio? What the actual fuck. Hiram lodge sneakily bought the diner. He is a cunt ass fucker. I hope he dies. He lied to everyone, he lied about it just being a donation. On top of that, he fired the nice doorman. I hope she dies.
Archie got an illegal gun. And the drug trade is going cray cray in Riverdale. As are the amount of murders. Hell yeah!!

(watched and written 01/05/2025)

S2 EP3 Chapter Sixteen: The Watcher in the Woods

Someone witnessed the latest murders. And the lodges all mysteriously get along now. Archie looks like a zombie now. Moose died? "Veronica open the door please, Veronica open the door. Veronica can we not fight anymore please, can we not fight anymore" -Veronica just now. This universe had grind'em instead of grindr. Anyway, Betty is being incredibly badly possessive over the unnamed gay guy in this universe. He was relevant for a split second.
"Forsythe pendleton Paddington the third" is now Jughead. I do not understand either. The emos in South side high are cannibals. Anyhow, Jughead is being pressured to join the serpents even more at his school.
Archie is becoming delulu. Absolutely fucking delusional to hell and back. Going toward psychosis town with no possible route back. Hiram is affirming his delusions. All my friends hate Hiram. He is irredeemable. Archibald is too happy about it with his illegally acquired gun. And is getting himself a superhero name.
Freud would have loved this show. The mom and Veronica are fighting for Hiram's love. Anyhow, Archie is giving a delusional republican-esque speech to all the football boys in order to keep the safety. He is calling this group of non-violent boot-licking vigilantes the red circle.
Southside high is full of low IQ people or something. Jughead is now rizzing up his teacher to restart the Southside high new paper. Betty is still weirdly possessive over the unknown gay guy. She does not want the gay guy to fuck other gay guys. She wants him to be his single gay friend. It is crossing a boundary when her gay friend dates men. I hate Betty so much.
The newspaper got a letter about the mass murderer. Listing his 6 are mainly this town is religious sin. The sheriff does not want the red circle to exist. Something about not wanting a lynch mob ruling the streets (the lynch mob are the police. Legalized and organized mafia.) Jughead is succeeding in getting the school paper started again.
"I'm an unwed mother carrying my cousin's baby." Yes, Polly, you are very much a sinner. The guys are so gay :) I like the gay guys. They are decently happy together. Veronica's mom is absolutely butt fucking terrible. I hope she dies and goes through every layer of every circle of hell. The red circle is now officially a lynch mob. I think there is some weird form of love triangle forming between Jughead, Betty, and Toni.
Tsyerilley is roasting Kevin (the gay guy) about being a sinner, but she is doing so exclusively to herself and the camera. I wonder who will die next. Anyhow, the red circle is now officially turning into a lynch mob. Betty and tcherile are cockblockong the fuck out of Kevin the gay guy. The gay guy is fucking preaching about hoe homophobic Betty is being. Hell to the fuck to the yeah.
Jughead is being beaten within an edge of his life. Jughead was beaten by a so called ghoulie. Harim is inviting Archie into his study, the one place Veronica is not allowed to go. Veronica's mom is being a Freud fan again. It is so fucking weird, bit they are sharing a tall glass of rum on the rocks in there. Harim is trying to convince Archie to go a more violent approach, corrupt Archie just like he himself has been corrupted. Kay why ess.
Nooooo, Kevin, the unnamed gay guy, almost got stabbed to death. Betty outed Kevin to his dad. I hope she gets killed to death. I hope she fucking dies. Betty, you are now officially worse than charil. What the actual fuck. Holy fucking shirt balls. "I want to be in the room where if happens" -Veronica, quoting lin Manuel Miranda's Hamilton. Anyway, she is making her mom upset as fuck now.
I think Kevin no longer likes Betty. I think they stopped being friends. I am so glad that this is being done. Also, Archie is shooting a gay porn to scare the mass murderer. All whilst Hiram looks on proudly.

(watched and written 01/05/2025)

S2 EP4 Chapter Seventeen: The Town That Dreaded Sundown

Jughead is researching other serial killers and also just learned about the counter terrorist terrorism unit. Scare the people by becoming people scarers, am I right? Hiram and Veronica's are fighting again, and Hiram is being an evil laugher man again.
Everyone is falling apart in the chaos. Hell to the yeah. I hope everyone feels an exorbitant amount of mental anguish. Woop woop. The serpents like the serial killer, and the north hates the red circle, too. Archie is being fucking destroyed by everyone around him. Hiram is so insanely good at manipulating the ever living fuck out of everyone. Holy shit. Archie is going off the deep end, though.
Betty got a letter from the serial killer that he is doing it all for her. Betty wants to solve it herself. And she is going to do this through the means of lying to everyone.
Literally everyone is dog piling on to Archie. He is giving a fascistic speech to his buddies to motivate hatred and violence. However, most people leave him behind, say for one. This guy is giving Archie tips on how to kill a mass murderer.
Veronica is now having a heart to heart with Harim. A heart to heart about how she suspects him for poisoning Archie's brain with violent ideals and thoughts.
Jughead is researching other serial killers in depth. All the while Betty is trying to research this current one. Veronica is trying to support Archie. And now he is trying to push Veronica away, too. Archie is buying tactical army stuff using a false ID. Betty is being quite overbearing on Jughead. Anyhow, Veronica has convinced everyone to wear red circle shirts, to no longer make it seem like an extremist facist movement, but moreso a large fascist movement. Anyway, Toni is spitting facts about how much Betty sucks.
Archie is using graffiti to spray paint his fascist symbols everywhere. Want to know who else did that? The nazis! The Southside serpents are now threatening Archie, and I think he might kill someone. He pulled out one of his illegally acquired guns on a bunch of kids. Holy fucking shit. Archie is getting pulled out of class. Even Archie's dad is now turning against Archie. Fred is scared of Archie. Fred thinks Archie is becoming too much of a nazi these days. He is afraid Fred will commit hate crimes.
Betty lied about the letter to Jughead. They are completely falling apart. I hope Betty gets the blame. Veronica finds Archie's gun at last. Archie has become violence coded. The football boys are supporting Archie again, and the serpents are leading an offensive against him.
The serpents are now full on threatening Archie and Co. The fascism is being spread among the parents now. "Defund school, increase police budget" -Betty's mom. Anyhow, there is a massive debate of adults not listening to eachother in politics all the while there is a massive dog pit fight outside in the rain. The black hood is coming to the town hall where everyone currently is so Betty warbs them and pulls the alarm.
In the dog pit fight knives have been stabbed and guns have been shot. Sadly, however, Betty is still fine. Most people other than Betty are fucked over. I think Veronica is getting horny over Archie's injuries. Why the fuck would that turn you on. Betty receives a tiny call from the black hood.

(watched and written 01/05/2025)

S2 EP5 Chapter Eighteen: When a Stranger Calls

Honestly, the serial killer is just like the red circle, hardly any different. Betty's mom is ass oncemore. Betty sucks ass, too, though. Veronica is being included in the family lies, pain, and suffering.
The Southside serpents are planning to bomb a school? What in the fuck? Not even their own school, the other school in town. Jughead is embracing being a serpent, but sadly he is starting to get rejected.
Betty got blackmail of her mom in a news article. And if she publishes it, she gets respect from the serial killer. Why is rich bitch JD out in Veronica's hotel. Betty has decided on posting the blackmail of her mom, hell to the yeah. The serpents are honestly so fucking based. I fucking love them so much. Betty's mom was a fucking serpent? What the actual fuck?
Veronica refused to take a bump of cocaine from her obviously an ex douchebag friend. It is revealed Betty knows the killer. She does not know who, but it is revealed that it is someone she would recognize. Jughead is lying to Betty about becoming a serpent, and he is telling her his desire to leave this dump behind for good.
Tscheryle invited himself over to a private party with nick the creeper who appears to want to fuck every underaged girl in town. Nick is giving everyone at the party hard drugs. Betty is lowkey the only one who turns down the JJ. JJ is like ultra coke, or something, I think. Betty, kill yourself. Veronica, kill yourself. Anyway, Betty and Veronica are no longer friends.
Toni is warning Jughead about the initiation and how far they will go for him. And how far he will be forced to go for all of them. Nick the womanizer of kids is trying to fuck Veronica. Well, rape more like. Veronica slaps nick the attempted child rapist.
The serial killer wants Betty to break up with Jughead [insert sad face here]. If she does not, the killer will start killing again. Everyone who is anyone is at an open house party for the lodge scam project. And there is so much too much. Betty is breaking up with Jughead, and I fear it is going to be his last straw, especially because Archie is doing it for her, and in the most painful way possible.
Nick the rapist spiked scherhyll's drink. Whoopsiedaisy. Anyway, the lodges are trying to permanently erase all the serpents forever by forcefully evicting and or killing them all.
Jughead is being beaten the fuck up by all the serpents meanwhile nick is trying to rape the brains out of tscherelly whom he drugged. But Veronica and the pussycats followed him and are beating his brains in. Betty is becoming delusional and scared and lonely. She is going exactly where the killer told her to go, and why? Because he has manipulated the fuck out of her. Betty is finding out who the killer is by following his every order. The killer did the boring old we are the same. The good old you are me, and I am you.
Based Cheryll take, wanting her rapist to be to burn right the fuck in hell. Anyhow, Jughead kissed luci. Betty essentially placed a hit on nick the rapey man.

(watched and written 01/05/2025)

S2 EP6 Chapter Nineteen: Death Proof

So much happening at once. Nick is alive, and us being charged at the station. Cheryll's mom is defending the rapist. Toni is a lesbian, well, a strongly woman leaning bi person.
Betty's mom is hosting a big meet in order to radicalize every single person in town, and it worked. The cops and mayor march into Southside high and just arrest every single student using massive amounts of violence? What in the hell? Betty did, however, lose what few friends she had remaining.
Betty and the killer are going to hunt the drug cooker. She's being forced into it. Tscherelle knows the Sugarman. But claims he is just a boogeyman her parents invented to keep her in check. The Southside groups are uniting in order to form a counter offensive to the Northside declaration of war. Betty is making herself feel persecuted in order to justify her actions.
Jughead is talking to his dad for advice. And he has received said advice. Cherille is fighting her mom about the Sugarman guy dude.
Veronica and Betty are starting to hunt down the Sugarman to end JJ production once and for all. Jughead is betting it all on that race going right, incredibly stupid move. Betty is trying to make stuff right with Jughead again. Cheryll is forcing her mom to say exactly who the Sugarman is. Anyhow, Veronica told her parents that nick tried to rape her, and the deal is completely off.
Jughead is facing off the ghoulies in the big all stakes race. They are hitting eachother with cars because violence. Their are many traffic violations here. Archie made Jughead throw the race. He is such a fucking cunt. Anyway the cops caught the other guys. ARCHIE CALLED THE FUCKING COPS?? I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE A MILLION HORRIBLE DEATHS. FUCK ARCHIE, FUCK BETTY. CHERYLL IS NOW A DECENT PERSON. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARCHIE, DIE YOU FUCKING SCUMBAG.
The Sugarman was whomever could do the job best. If not for meeting the Sugarman, Jason would still be living. Cheryll is telling Betty who the Sugarman is. Why is she feeling bad for the Sugarman, he is literally the walter white of this universe. Betty, kill yourself, you should have let the Sugarman die. Now the serial killer is about to go on another spree. OMG JUGHEAD'S FAVORITE TEACHER WAS THE SUGARMAN? THE FUCKING TWISTS AND TURNS. The lodges caused a major car accident to happen to nick and his family. Betty's efforts were truly for nothing. The Sugarman got killed regardless.

(watched and written 01/05/2025)

S2 EP7 Chapter Twenty: Tales from the Darkside

It starts with some weird vintage intermission. Very fucking stupid thing. Anyhow, the serial killer is now threatening the entire town, instead of just Betty. Why are Jughead and Betty a thing again. Jughead is being called in for a favor. The favor is needing FP taken out of prison ASAP. She is forcing him to push drugs for her. Archie is forced into it by Jughead, too. And he goes along.
I feel bad for Archie. The truck ran a flat. And now they are arguing about the best course of action. Jughead might just die, to be honest. Hr is going to Greendale in a strangers car with the mere hope that this delivery could save him. An old rigerdale killer got revealed, the riverdale reaper. A deer with wasting disease crosses the road in front of Archie, and he is confused. Turns out, the man who's car Jughead hopped into is transporting dead deer too.
The riverdale reaper killed dead an entire large family. What happened afterward is uncertain. Some think he stayed, some stay he got lynched, some say he left to Cali. And it might the same guy. Anyhow, the drug stealing man tried to rip Jughead the hell off.
Archie and Jughead continue on their journey with the mere prayer to make it back safely. They deliver the crate in the nick of time. Jughead got roped in far deeper than he expected. He is now expected to these deliveries a lot more frequently. Archie wants him to quit, and so does Jughead, but jug does not see a way out.
Jughead got lied to by the lawyer. His father did not have a single drop of blood on him.
Josie is playing keyboard far after she is allowed to be. The school is dark and empty, and she feels unsafe alone. Josie is being followed. Followed and watched. Someone tried to get a date with Josie.
Josie got ditched by the pussycats because a rumor going around. Chuck appears to be changing for the better. Josie's mom apparently has been receiving a fuck tonne of death threats. Oh shit, this plays out at the same time as the Archie story. I recon Josie may be next to die. Oh wait, it was but a dream. The twists. Cheryll is the one threatening Josie? What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Betty and Veronica's story is going on now. Veronica and Betty are arguing about what is going on with the sheriff. Veronica is staying over at unnamed gay guy Kevin (son of sheriff)'s house in order to find out what is going on with the sheriff.
Veronica goes down into the basement to snoop around, but there is also a home gym there. Veronica is romancing the sheriff. Kevin walked in on Veronica romancing the sheriff. Betty is losing it.
Are you kidding me? Betty is going to break in to sheriff Keller's house? Holt fuck. She is losing her flipping mind cells. All of them. The sheriff finds her in his house.
The sheriff has an alibi for every single happening. I hate schizophrenia Betty. Anyway, the sheriff is fucking the braind out of the mayor.
The black hood called pop's to announce everyone has failed the test and that he is about to start the next phase of his plot.

(watched and written 01/05/2025)

S2 EP8 Chapter Twenty-One: House of the Devil

Veronica and Archie having sex is so stupid. They are kids, and I do not want to picture kids having sex. They are like sixteen. And why are they fucking on the floor.
Betty and Jughead are chatting about the killer. Just your usual bullshittery. Jughead's dad is free from jail, hell yeah! Why is there girl on girl fanservice, and why did the cleaner walk in?
Betty told her mom about Jughead being a serpent and FP getting released. Veronica is such a horndog, Kay why ass. I do not want to see this bullshit. Anyway, those 2 are gonna investigate the murders now.
This prison is a gucking gang place. People with guns are standing on the roof. Anyway, Betty's mom is making moves on FP. FP is going to quit the serpents. He is so sexy that I would bone him. If he would have me, at least.
Veronica and Archie are going to visit the devil or something. Jughead and FP are at crossroads in life now. FP is going to leave Jughead behind. OH MY GOD FP IN WORK CLOTHES SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASG SMASH. Cheryll is bullying FP now. Jughead and Betty are going to throw FP a goodbye party.
The serpents apparently have a misogyny issue, and Betty might become a serpent stripper? That is so stupid. The blackmailing bitch is threatening Betty.
Epik serial killer flashback moment. Such murder, such killing. I think there was a last survivor. Someone who did not die. I think elon musk was the black hood, but we shall see, I guess. FP was flirting with Betty's mom again. This is so fucking gross.
Veronica is hardcore investigating, while Archie wants to talk about their love. They find out the creepy janitor is the survivor, they think he is the murderer. They no longer think that after they gaze into his eyes.
Bad Betty is coming back. I hope she gets shot in the alley, holy fucking shit. Archie and Veronica's love situation is getting worse and worse. Jughead is such a good serpent, hell to the yeah. Stay sober, king!
Betty is evil Betty again, and her mom is being milfy as hell. She is also alcoholic coded. Archie and Veronica are getting worse and more distant, hell to the yeah. Not another song moment, please safe my soul. Veronica is being the runner. Woop woop. Everyone is booing now. Hell to the yeah! Betty is taking over for them both while stripping. I hate this. She is a kid, not a stripper. Quit your bullshit. She is also pole dancing now. What the actual fuck. What the fuck. Holy shit, do better. FP is partying. FP is admitting his stay. And Betty is fighting her mom to stay.
FP is kicking his son out of the serpents. They are both sad. Veronica and Archie are breaking up. I think Betty and Jughead are breaking up, too, now. Jughead feels like a burden and does not want to bring others down with him. They are fully broken up now.
Jughead's monologs reveals that everyone got hurt to hell, even random innocents.

(watched and written 01/c/2025)

S2 EP9 Chapter Twenty-Two: Silent Night, Deadly Night

Jughead and Archie are catching up with one another. Polly woke up Betty in a dream like state for Christmas with Santa the black hood. Black hood is being a creepy critter before it is revealed to all be a sad little dream.
I forgot how terrible American Healthcare is until Fred revealed his $86K hospital bill. FP and Jughead have never been more tense, holy fuck. Christmas with all the friends is going very tough. There are also a lot of very minor characters. New creepy janitor is so red herring coded. Jughead and Betty should remain apart. And for forever, preferably. Archie is struggling to be around Veronica but he also revealed his debts to Veronica.
Jughead desperately wants to help out his dad, but FP is just not allowing it. FP's parole officer is checking in while Jughead is alone.
Veronica is pressuring her parents to pay Fred's debts. Cheryll's grandma is wild: "You should have drowned them at birth like a basket of kittens."
Betty got a free severed finger from the black hood. Yippee!!! Turn that into a necklace. It would be fun. Archie and Betty are bonding true getting traumatized together. FP and Jughead are falling apart. Veronica is secretly stealing her mom's credit card to pay for the debts. Jughead wants to kill Penny. He is pressuring every last one of his buddies to do so. Hell yeah.
Betty is blackmailing the Christian orphanage. Womp womp. Svenson (the original creepy janitor) apparently killed the wrong guy, which is bringing all of this. Penny is getting threatened and kidnapped by the serpents in cheap fucking masks.
Veronica is angry at her family because they keep too many secrets. And Hiram appears to be going to tell her. Jughead cut off Penny's tattoo. Holy mother forking shirt balls.
Archie and Betty are interrogating Cheryll's grandma. It is revealed that they burried the wrong guy alive. Betty is going to look through the pictures to figure out where Svenson's burried alive. Why are Archie and Betty kissing? This is why I want nukes. To kill the writers.
Veronica is being introduced into the semi legal family business. Jughead and FP are fighting some more. Archie and Betty found the burial site and try to rescue the janitor, but he is not there. Boo fucking hoo. The black hood is forcing Archie into the coffin. Rest in pepperoni slices, man. Oh no, Archie has a gun again. The sheriff shot to kill and orders Archie to put away the gun. I am pretty sure he was blackmailed and forced into this.
Swanson is probably innocent. Cheryll's mom is now a sex worker. She is finally getting a job. Yippee. Veronica, Betty, Archie love triangle is absolutely ass. Veronica finally admitted her love for Archie, but what's that? Someone took pictures of it? Oh, how terrible.
Jughead monologue is based as fuck. Yippee.

(watched and written 01/21/2025)

S2 EP10 Chapter Twenty-Three: The Blackboard Jungle

Jughead monologue pog and so many lore drops. Veronica's family is doing some evil shit. And on top of that, someone is stalking Archie. Veronica is using paying off Fred's bills to get all up close and personal with Archie.
Anyhow, Southside High is getting shut down. South and North are merging, hell to the yes. Even if this is corrupt as fuck, I am glad that this classist split is being patched up slowly. Even if through horrible means. Betty is in a fucking cult, what the fuck lmao. I love this plot line.
The FBI has been stalking Archie. Ouch. The FBI is being quite terrible at their job. Based is trying to stand up to the corrupt manipulative FBI agent. The lodges are buying Fred's house. Welp. This is all depressing.
Archie is digging into what happened to the rapist boy. Why is he trying to protect another rapist? At least said rapist is not a pedo this time round, but still.
"No one invited facist Barbie to the party." Holy shit, that is such a banger, Veronica. So many fucking buzzwords. Cheryll is being a horrid bitch. But so is Archie. Archie apparently only cares about rapists if they try to rape his girly.
The principal is being an angry duder. I hope he gets killed. He is such a terrible guy right now. Betty's parents are such ungrateful cuntz. Archie is telling everyone about Veronica getting almost raped.
Archie is about to use Cheryll's getting raped to hurt the rapist, even if it blows up on Cheryll or Veronica. Anyway, there is a big fight at school because Jughead wore a jacket. This is so fucking corrupt, yass Jughead, stand your ground bitch!
I wish I could rent a room for 20 a night, wtf is that blessed economy? I wish I lived in it. Betty's brother is a male stripper. Holy shit, their mom is gonna kill herself about that. What the actual fuck. Jughead is crying to his dad about how shitty the principal is treating him, and FP is telling him to suck it the fuck up. So I guess he will have to now.
Archie is speaking to the rapist and it gets violent! Not because the rapist is a rapist, but because the rapist insulted Veronica. Anyhow, the school is forcing only Southside guys to wear stupid uniforms. All the while, Cheryll, Archie, and Veronica are incredibly tense.
Betty saves her brother from a beat down. Archie is lying about Cheryll blackmailing him. This is going to go so fucking wrong. Betty is getting her brother emergency help at her family's place. I feel bad for that guy to be honest.
Jughead looks god awful in this stupid outfit. What the actual hell. Cheryll's mom does not want to quit prostitution. Not even at the promise of large sums of money. Rest in pepperoni.
Archie told the FBI agent that he does not believe the black hood is dead, and it turns out her brother is a big time baddie, too.

(watched and written 01/21/2025)

S2 EP11 Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wrestler

Archie is giving some more info. There is some holiday to celebrate a colonial guy. Archie walks in on a business meet, and they suddenly cut it short. How sussipuss. This is horrifying.
I fucking hate this FBI guy what the actual fuck, he should kashoot himself. sigh... Such a cunt. Anyhow, Archie wants to get up in Hiram's pants. Archie is dropping his life to do so.
Jughead is interviewing the oldest living serpents, and they found out the colonizer was a mass murdering rapist, and the serpents were founded as a direct opposition to this guy's antics. And yet this mass murderer is being absolutely celebrated.
The Lodges are now closer than ever before. This is such a big hell yeah moment. The wrestling tryouts have so many people. This is like 40% of the guys at riverdale High. That is so insane. No other sport has this many people. Anyway, wrestling is such a gay sport. Why can Betty not just let her brother have his own personal life. Why does he need to tear apart his sex work life.
Anyway, the serpents are the descendants of a tribe that originally lived there. The celebrated colonizer wiped most of them out. Jughead is interviewing Hiram, but Hiram does not want to hear any of it. He literally hangs up the phone on Jughead lmao.
Betty's bro is now being a cam boy in his parents' home. Veronica and Archie make out in front of Hiram as a show of dominance.
Hiram Lodge vs Archie wrestling? Oh god, no, what are they trying to set up here? I am so confused. It is setting up some Freudian bullshit. This is horrifying.
The mayor is telling her pussycat daughter all about Veronica's secret life. Josie yelled at Veronica. Appearantly, Cheryll's mom knew about how their business was rooted in genocide of the natives, and Cheryll has fake womp womp tears. Betty wants to psychoanalyze her brother to find out what is wrong with her, that is so fucked.
Archie and Hiram are fighting, just with words. And now they are bonding through intense exercise and dieting, I guess. Hiram promises to tolerate Archie. Freud is a ghost writer. Freud wrote this in secret. Hiram and Archie's situation is so fucking weird man. Anyway, Archie is wresting a guy bigger than him.
Betty's bro looks so fucking depressed. L. M. F. A. O. It is now time for the festival. Archie and Hiram are gonna discuss more stuff. Betty's dad is such a cunt. Everyone in his family deserves better. Veronica took over the pussycats in revenge of Josie ditching the festival. She is going to cry hardcore pog champ. I am glad more people are being taken over by the evil.
The serpents march in in order to protest what is going on. This is such a hell yes moment. Hiram hijacks this protest in one swift movement. What the fuck is going on. Cheryll's mom wants to bone Betty's dad.
Betty and her brother are finally having a proper heart to heart talk. Yippee. Oh God, Betty and her brother are going to make incest content? This is terrible.
Hiram and Archie are finally speaking together, but Archie gets called by the FBI guy. People are changing so big time. This is quite horrifying. The statue of the genocidal colonizer got decapitated yippee. But I do not like the implications.

(watched and written 01/21/2025)

S2 EP12 Chapter Twenty-Five: The Wicked and the Divine

Archie is now working for Hiram as his personal associate. Veronica is getting forced to get baptized. I guess that is faith for you. Betty is wearing the polly wig to do sex work. This is not what a sixteen year old should be doing.
Jughead is being forced to quit the school paper. Betty thinks Jughead is guilty when he is not. The conversation between Betty and Jughead is horrid as ever. The sheriff is kicking everyone out for no god damn reason. This is going to start a God damned civil war.
Josie and the mayor are apologizing to the Lodges. And now Veronica and Josie are going to do a duet and Veronica's baptism.
There is such bad infighting in the serpents. This fucking sucks. I loved those guys most of any people. Why do they need to have drama between them all. Hiram is impressed that Archie is willing to go so far for Veronica. Archie now got a job high up on the ladder of jobs.
Betty's brother is such a weirdo. The mayor is such a bitch. All because she wants to remain in power. Why does she go against her goals in order to stay in power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely or something. This is bad.
Jughead and Betty are finally communicating a bit. This fucking sucks. sigh...... I am so sad. Anyhow, Archie is being forced to help Hiram all while Jughead battles the rest of the serpents. Penny is now manipulating the serpents at last. It's about time. FP is blaming the death of the serpents on his own son.
Betty's dad is calling their own son a stranger and is moving out. He is such an asshat. Veronica wishes to become a good Catholic now. Confessing all the sins she is actively doing. The rest of the Lodges are all very Catholic. They all pray constantly and pretend to be great people.
The poker is finally on. This should be fun. I really hope he is not wearing a wire, if he is, I hope he dies. Hiram is standing up for pop. Now, one of the business guys is trying to set up a move against Hiram, possibly through murder. Archie has a difficult choice now.
Veronica is becoming a good Christian now, all because Archie nodded yes. Anyway, the corruption continues on. And so do the family troubles. And now Jughead is venting to Betty. This is supposed to be Veronica's moment broskis. They are such rude asshats. Anyhow, Archie should rat on the family plans. Veronica has decided Archie is out of the family business.
Tallboy was the one to decapitate the statue. Big lore drop, or something. Archie is about to tell Hiram about the plot against him. And he does tell. Hiram is thankful. Jughead is bringing the head to the gang place. Tallboy admitted to his helping Hiram. This is the drama, I guess. Archie reveals he knows that Hiram is a baddie. And Archie really does not want to know how evil the Lodges are.
Betty and Jughead are genuinely bonding again. I feel like they might end up becoming something long-term. Jughead wants Betty to stay the night, and they immediately fuck, I guess. I do not want these detailed scenes anymore. Betty almost tells Jughead how she has become a cam girl.
Poppa poutine is dead now. The FBI agent desperately wants to use this to arrest Hiram. Veronica's parents get the statues head. Betty's mom is removing a corpse from the floor.

(watched and written 01/21/2025)

S2 EP13 Chapter Twenty-Six: The Tell-Tale Heart

Betty's mom is forcing Betty not to call the cops. But she has to anyway. The FBI agent is overly forceful against Archie. The corpse is gone just before dad gets home to pick up toiletries. They force the dad to leave quickly. They quickly hide the body in some sewer pipes.
Harold suspects something while getting an erotic massage from Cheryll's mom. Anyway, there is now going to be a war between the serpents and the Lodges. All because of this stupid decapitated statue. Veronica is trying by all means to avoid this from happening. Betty and her mom deep clean everything and yet I fear it still is not going to be enough. They all pretend like nothing happened at all. All white Betty has major flashbacks. There's a knocking at the door, and Betty opens it to Jughead being there. Adorbz. Betty lies to Jughead because they can just never be fully happy with one another. The cops found another corpse, and Betty runs off crying and projectile vomits into a toilet. Cheryll wants to hell, but Betty does not allow it.
Archie tries to convince Veronica that her dad is not a bad guy. Jughead is pressuring the mayor to get free. And the FBI agent pressures the shit out of Archie. Archie is having a heart to heart with Hiram again. Betty is now officially traumatized and is spiraling all by herself this time around. With literally no one to talk to. Veronica and Hiram now have a heart to heart, but Hiram lies about the guy who died.
Betty's bro is crying because he is feeling stressed about lying to the rest of his family. But the bro is happy about ruining the family. Archie and the FBI guy discuss again. FP makes a deal with Hiram. Hiram uses this to censor Jughead. And the deal is now canceled once more. Cheryll finds out about Betty's dad and her mom. And that they are dating more so than they are fucking. What a homewrecker. The Lodges are now going to slander and smear the mayor in order to gain full control of the town. Archie once again walked into his dad, having an important conversation he was left out of.
Betty calls all the contacts in the dead guy's phone. This results in Betty calling Jughead and just venting and telling him everything.
Jughead wants Betty to speak to the cops, but then gets roped down into it. The FBI is blackmailing Fred in order to get Archie to help him. And the FBI loser wants him to bug Hiram's office.
Veronica threatens mayor McCoy with the truth. Tells her that they know about her affair with the sheriff. Rest in peace bog, killed by Jughead and Betty. I like bogs, so I am upset at them over this. That car has oil and gas which will now leak out into the bog and wreck the ecosystem.
Mayor McCoy is resigning on her own terms. Veronica lies to her dad about informing the mayor. That is quite the plot twist. Cheryll is telling Betty everything about her dad's cheating. Betty is threatening her dad to tell her mom about his cheating. And is telling him to fuck right off into hell.
Fred is going through piles of paperwork. Like actual piles upon piles upon piles, and this causes Archie to tell Hiram everything. Hiram says he will deal with it all, and I am scared that Archie is not telling the whole truth. Betty is asking FP for help and helping he is. Even if it puts himself at risk.
Hiram is taking Archie out to the middle of nowhere to have a nice and fun "talk," so we all know where it is going. There is so much romantic tension between Betty's mom and FP, oh God. Oh, Archie is not talking to Harim. Rather, he is talking to Veronica's mom. The FBI agent has been revealed to be a fake. A test of sorts to see if Archie would break. And he passed.

(watched and written 01/21/2025)

S2 EP14 Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hills Have Eyes

Betty is so paranoid. And her brother is tearing down every last limit between himself and Betty. Veronica and Archie get to go to a special vacation home. Betty and Jughead are invited to tag along, too. FP is looking to move regardless, and Jughead is being so paranoid about it all. Cheryll is sad about not being invited to a romantic couples retreat.
Jughead is going to investigate Veronica, but Betty wants this to not happen at all. Betty's bro is such a fucking creep, holy hell. At least they have a nice and pleasant retreat now.
Cheryll felt the need to make the retreat as terrible as possible. "Get your Sapphic serpent hands off of me" -Cheryll. Banger of a line right there. Absolute fucking banger.
Betty wants to talk to Jughead. And Jughead is only upset because Betty did not tell him. I am so glad they are finally friendly again. With nothing hidden between the two. Anyway, they heard Veronica and Archie boning it out, which, gross. Veronica and Jughead are struggling so much to be together ij the same area. Veronica proposes kissing Jughead to solve all the issues. They are kissing passionately in yhe hot tub, and Jughead was distinctly not into it. Betty wants Jughead to kiss Archie.
Bad Betty is back and it is fucking horrible, I am going to fucking end it all. This is too much, what the fuck. Now Archie and Veronica can hear the other two bone it out. Ugh. Archie is sussily walking into the woods. The spy is getting killed, and the tensions between Veronica and Archie are building significantly.
The mayor is getting a divorce to get with the sheriff. I wish Archie and Jughead kissed. Josie is telling Kevin about their parents' affairs. This is so LOL funny coded.
Veronica wants to take control of the place. Hiram bought the trailer park and is allowing them all to "stay" indefinitely. Everyone is turning against Jughead again. And the mayor-sheriff affair is causing so much hurt. Kevin found out his boy toy is cheating on him and lying to fuck all and back.
Cheryll wants to know why Toni is stalking her, but she is not, and now they are about to kiss, I think. Betty's getting called by her mom because Hiram bought the news paper. This chill retreat is turning fucking awful.
The cottage gets broken into, and it is quite terrible because everyone is scared, and they have sent the security away already. Veronica hands over the wallet in the hopes they can peacefully go on with their day. Archie, luckily, does feel like playing a hero for the first time in his life. Oh wait, he does anyway. The guard is going to kill them. Whoopsie daisies, they will he pushing up daisies.
Cheryll and Toni are so queer coded. Cheryll reveals she is, in fact, a lesbian and that her old girly, Heather, from her childhood did not end well due exactly to her mom. Harim is trying to further pull Archie into the dark. Jughead is telling Betty to be weary of her brother due to him being a bit of a risk.

(watched and written 01/21/2025)

S2 EP15 Chapter Twenty-Eight: There Will Be Blood

FP and Jughead disagree on whether or not to out the Lodges for their buying up everything in the Southside. Betty is catfishing Chic with their gay friend. Archie and Veronica are discussing politics and how to cheat politics. Cheryll's dad's will is about to be read.
Betty's parents are trying to divorce, but not. Archie is annoying Jughead instead. And noe Jughead is upset again. 1200 signatures to run for mayor is insane. Why is everyone going to the will reading? This is so fucking strange.
Riverdale 2020 campaign is wild lmfao. Veronica and Archie are fighting over Fred, becoming mayor lmfao. This plot has been lost, shot behind the shed, and eliminated. Betty's mom has lost the fuck out of it. "Original sin of Riverdale." Which makes you what? Eve the third? Slow motion fainting sequence wtf. Cheryll's dad has a bro, wtf. Plot twist XD silly goober.
The lore is like, written by a psychotic person. This makes no fucking sense, everyone needs immediate psychiatric help. The lore is possessing too fucking fast. Chic does not want a blood test because he is afraid hr has aids. Presumably, at least. Chic needs to get his blood tested because that will yield him lots of money from the cherylls. The old pussycat mom mayor is trying to talk Fred out of running for mayor. All because Archie was desperate for that.
Hiram became aware of Jughead being aware of Hiram owning pops. Jughead feels upset at Hiram's treatment of others. FP has offered to help Jughead take Hiram down a peg, but Jughead left to meet some unknown (certainly not suspicious). Veronica is upset at Archie for leaking Lodge information.
Betty is being a big old yucky and digging through bathroom trash can to find chic's DNA. Jughead is meeting the informant (apparently a bus driver, Hiram's ex personal driver). This should be interesting. Claudius thinks that cheryll and her girlfriend to be are lesbians. I love him so bad. Jughead and FP are gonna dig up dirt on Hiram.
Betty submitted the blood of chic's. Polly and Betty are worried because Chic abducted polly's babies. Archie is threatening Hiram, and Hiram is not taking it well. Chic is just so unapologetically evil for no reason.
Jughead wants to print Hiram's secret plans to turn Southside into a prison. But he gets blocked. Hiram tells Fred about these plans and plot twists. Veronica's mom is now running for mayor!!
Claudius wants to punish his mom and Cheryll afterward. Chic is not actually their brother, and Hiram is so confused, but Archie is now completely hooked on his facist logic. Archie is now being initiated into the family by blood. (watched and written 08/02/2025)

S2 EP16 Chapter Twenty-Nine: Primary Colors

Chic is actually family, just not Hal's son. Veronica's family is like, propagandizing the fuck out of everything. Also, why is the gay guy just randomly there? For no reason? Fred does not like fascism, but his son does. Jughead is doing a hunger strike. Veronica is receiving hate, hell yeah! I hope she gets stabbed to death. Veronica punched the other candidate for student president square in the fucking face. Lmfao. This is so fucking typical. Like instant KO. Cheryll is going psychotic and hallucinating people, or just being gaslit. Who knows?
Veronica is tricking her friends into voting her into student president. After her parents explicitly told her not to. Rest in peace. Hermoine is failing to convince Fred to come back. Hiram is manipulating Archie to do his dirty work. Archie is showing off his love for fascism to Jughead. Rip in peace.
Cheryll is being gaslit by her friends. Or maybe she is going psychotic. Say what you want about this show, but they have some good tunes. Cheryll and Toni are officially in love. Yippee! Cheryll thinks that her uncle attempts to kill her grandma. Archie's mom is back, and she is doing lawyer stuff. Jughead is rallying the southsiders. Well, the youths, at least. Jughead calls to end fascism. But no one responds. Kevin told Chic about the catfishing attempt. Rip Betty. Chic is such a typical creeper. Chic is such a fucking weirdo. Veronica is up and manipulating every fucking one. Holy mother forking shirt balls. What the actual fuck?
Jugheads antifa group is working, and well, it is working. Peaceful protest. Chaining themselves to the school. Betty is being a creeper again. Lighter in bed with her brother while threatening. Veronica and Josie are good again, I guess. Oh wait, they are not. And now Betty is leaving her too. Yippee! Anti fascism wins!
Betty's mom is upset at Betty. Constantly. FP is also being tricked into siding with Hiram. I am glad Jughead has such strong convictions. He is enternally sticking to his own truth. Archie's mom is chewing Archie the fuck out!!! Hell yeah! I hope he loses everyone, even the Lodges.
Betty's mom is now drilling Betty about being safe during sex. And about having to care for her brother. Chic is threatening, Betty. What the fuck. Harim is now going to use his future inmates to fight Jughead.
The South siders are protesting fascism, and Archie is marching in to stop the protest and protect fascism. Archie thinks he will receive a free life from Hiram or something. Who knows. What a fucking loser. Jughead is such a banging dude. Archie's mom is staying a while, and his dad is running for mayor against the lodges. Fascist son, anti fascist dad. Interesting dynamic. The sisters are drugging the hell out of cheryll, wtf. (watched and written 08/02/2025)

S2 EP17 Chapter Thirty: The Noose Tightens

Cheryll is now being repeatedly drugged and abused in a church for Christian youths. School president debates are low quality as ever. The school is like, devolving into a big-time dog pit. Fight it all out in the pit. Anyhow, Hiram has unexpected visitors, and Archie's mom wants him to support his dad instead of Hiram.
The car that Chic's stalker was in got found. So like, people might find out about their murdering a violent person. Jughead's followers are upset at Betty. Why is this school council thing such a big deal? Is this an America thing? Toni is helping cheryll without knowing what happened to her. This is getting good. The Hiram family meeting is going poorly. Archie threatened the Hiram family. And now Hiram is chewing him out for it and calling him a good boy (ew). Betty and Archie are fighting, and now Betty and gay guy are talking. Betty's mom is being a disaster fire. Threatening every fucking one. I hope the black hood gets her.
Cheryll is being abused like hell. Her mom is lying to all her friends about what is going on with cheryll. Her mom is such a fucking bitch. Why do so many people suck so bad in this show. Chic led the dead guy's girliepop to Betty and her mom. The bitch.
Fred and Jughead are becoming friends, which is honestly quite fun. Archie is complaining about his failing relationship with Fred, but it is honestly his fault for becoming a fascist. The lodges got assaulted. Cheryll's mom is now threatening NANA, while she is watching Bob Ross non the less. Nana wants to use the telephone to call for help, but she is drugged as hell. She did, but then the twin bro disconnected the phone.
The sisters of quiet mercy still do conversion therapy, which is wild. The serpents are now threatening the druggie who broke into the Cooper household.
I feel bad for Fred. His own son did not show up to his campaign's start. Veronica and little lesbian Lisa are going to use the gay tunnel to free Cheryll. This is so based on them. They are not going to send Cheryll to conversion therapy for werewolves! Toni should kiss cheryll, AND THEY DID IN FRONT OF THE ANTI GAY PROPOGANDA. And now they have to run from the nuns, which means the gay escape tunnel will be found out. Kevin (gay boy) will no longer be able to hook up with escapees. Anyhow, the Lodges do a carbombing. Which is undeniably based of them.
Archie is getting chewed out by his mom, and Betty's mom is apologizing to the serpents. And she is back to talking to FP. Which is nice. Archie got a free convertible sports car from Hiram as a gift for carbombing Hiram's enemies. Cheryll is besties with Kevin. Cheryll school shooter arc!? (watched and written 08/02/2025)

S2 EP18 Chapter Thirty-One: A Night to Remember

Fan service of a boy who is supposed to be like 16. Anyway, musical time. I wanna kill them all now. Why do they all suck so much. Why are people who can not sing being forced to perform musical theater. Why did it turn into horror found footage. Also, why does it randomly feel like such a side plot. Is this entire episode just..? Filler? I am scared. This episode is going to make me kill myself. Riverdale Carrie. God fucking damnit. Someone tried to kill the gay guy, and it was the black hood. That is kind of weird and strange.
Every song makes me want to die. This is not aiding my mental health in the slightest. It is making me want to die. Oh fuck yeah! We escaped the musical. Anyhow, Harim wants to force a bigger wedge between Archie and Fred. Betty is such a bitch to the fat girl who's name I forgot. Cheryll is being a bitch over the past, and comparing herself to Carrie. I still want to die because of the singing. Hiram is such a cunt. Why are there so many songs, I want to die. Betty is going on a crusade against Veronica. And Archie is defending her. Okay, we were bickering, and now Betty and Veronica are friends.
Hiram is really pushing Archie and Fred apart. Further and further. The black hood is threatening the gay guy. And cheryll's mom is forcing her to quit musical theater. I feel bad for cheryll, and the fat girl who's name I forgot. People can not tell themselves apart from the characters they are playing anymore. And now the gay guy blames himself because everyone in the main cast sucks ass. This is a therapy episode. Pure trauma dumping. Archie is turning back go light, to his dad. Betty is forcing her family back together. Hal and Betty's mom are making amends. Aw, Archie and Fred are gonna build a car again. Also, the sherif is such a pedo, randomly walking into the changing room for kids and taking pictures of the children. What the fuck mister pedo sheriff.
The musical is a big hit. And cheryll is upset at her mom and threatens to kill her. Cheryll is becoming a great person I think. Jughead is snooping around and getting pushed around in return. More shitty singing, hurray. #sarcasm #sarcastic #jesuschristsuperstar #endmenow #comeoutofthecloset. One of the students got killed during the showing of the musical. L + ratio child. (watched and written 08/02/2025)

S2 EP19 Chapter Thirty-Two: Prisoners

I think Jughead gave up on the narrations at the start and end of the episodes. That makes me sad. WAIT, HE IS BACK AGAIN! HURRAH! PRAISE THE KING! PRAISE OUR LORD! JUGHEAD OR JESUS! JUGHEAD OUR GOD! Anyway, police interrogations. Please stop singing you fucking hoes. I like how Cheryll is turning into a full-on witch. She is queen.
They are figuring out the black hood they killed may have been the wrong guy. Anyhow, Archie is afraid and impulsive again. But Veronica is pegging her down a notch. Archie is being stalked by someone wearing a black hood. Holy. Hell. Hermoine is trying to work together with Cheryll to progress both of their goals. Archie is seeing demons. Demons straight from squid game.
Archie got beaten up by a whole lot of black hoods. Chic just committed knife crime before getting beaten to hell by his faux family. Veronica is getting called by Archie. But it is not Archie. It is his rapist kidnapper. So that is something for sure.
Kevin and Cheryll are fighting. And faux Chic is tied up in the basement. Revealing that Chic overdose on Jingle Jangle. Betty's mom deserves the pain.
Archie is being beaten senseless, which is like hurray. The gay guy's dad, who is also the sheriff, is saying he deserves the threats that he deserves. Anyway, the rapist had a big fat glow down. The rapist wants to fuck Veronica in exchange for Archie's release.
The real Chic is the love child of Betty's mom and FP. The black hood is officially back. The rapist and Archie are threatening to kill one another. Betty is trying to solve the mystery of her brother. And is now aware that Chic is a murderer. The Black Hood wants to kidnap fake Chic. Jughead's dad, FP, is so fucking cute. I want to give him a couple of little kisses.
I hope Veronica is drugging the rapist. That would be enjoyable. Also, some people are definitely watching this as though it is a weird porn. Also, Archie is free and rampaging now to stop Veronica's date with the rapist. Archie is full speed sprinting toward Veronica, who has yet to have a single drink of her drink. Bad Betty is in town with a snubnosed .44 revolver!! Hell yeah! So kjoot! Veronica drugged the fuck out of the rapist, and Archie is helping her clean away the body. Chic is admitting to killing Betty's actual brother. And the black hood is watching. Chic is being approached by the killer and forced to run off. Gay boy's dad is resigning and I am so fucking drunk.
Archie and Hiram are talking, and they really have a heart to heart. Now Archie wants to make his bones with Hiram. Archie is forcing Hiram to remove the black hood from the equation. Jughead is explaining how emotions work. And how Archie works. Anyhow, Betty's dad is gone, and now Betty thinks he is the black hood.(watched and written 08/02/2025)

S2 EP20 Chapter Thirty-Three: Shadow of a Doubt

Archie is going door to door, hunting for the black hood. And everyone is fighting, and I am so fucking pissed. Jughead is being an emo walking in the rain next to an umbrella. Betty cheryll just spoke or something.? I do not know. What is going on? I am so drunk. We all are. People are angry and maybe racist. The bulldogs are attacking the serpents on home territory. Wtf. Violence. For different birth locations.
Locking in again. Veronica is interviewing people. I am unsure as for why. I think in order to find a good local business partner to make semi legal money with. Archie and Jughead are fighting now. But also not. It is strange. Harim does not want Archie and Jughead speaking anymore. Anyhow, Archie is helping Veronica make a safe deal. Archie and the rich casino boy are so ugly. Betty looks 50 and 12 at the same time. Oldest twelve year old ever. The coroner is calling with Betty about a corpse. Jughead in the worker fit looks scrumptious. Betty looks at a corpse, and they have no clue who it was. Betty is telling her parents about everything the black hood was making her do.
Mob violence is a real thing. And a minority was getting mob violenced. Fred and Archie are fighting again. The bulldogs are committing hate crimes against the serpents again. All-out war type of shit. Who is in jail. Idk who he is, so I do not care. He is fangs, but who is fangs. Anyhow, the boys are betraying Archie and continuing their hate campaign. Betty and Cheryll are hunting down evidence to figure out his dad is the killer.
The mayoral candidates are fighting about how to handle the black hood. And then a black hood copycat opens fire on the crowd. The innocent guy might be let free, and that might cause a riot or two. Hermoine is willing to risk her life for the campaign . ShareBnB instead of airBnB. How original. Betty is accusing his dad of being a big Ole killer. But also saying she is, in fact, not.
Harim is making people more upset at Fangs' release. Veronica is now aiding Fred instead of Harim. Why do you keep switching sides, and why is this 16 year old doing a strip tease? Who the fuck does this appeal to? I just want to beat her and Archie with sticks and stones because they are so fucking annoying. Betty is back to accusing her dad of being a killer. And wants to meet one on one. There is a fucking riot at the station of Fangs getting set free. Fangs is so scared of the anti-woke mob. Which, honestly, I would be, too. They are forming a human shield to protect Fangs through the crowd, but one of the anti-woke crowd brought a gun for good old-fashioned mob violence. Archie tackles him, and they accidentally shoot Fangs, causing a truly massive, like humongous riot. The black hood threatens Cheryll and tries to kill her. (watched and written 08/02/2025)

S2 EP21 Chapter Thirty-Four: Judgment Night

The black hood is still trying to kill Cheryll. But now Cheryll is shooting him with a bow at perfect precision. FP is helping Jughead remain level-headed in the face of a massive violence being committed against one of his friends. Reggie is now being hunted for shooting Fangs.
Hermoine is starting to doubt Harim's morals. Veronica is going home, and Archie is lost in the saucey chaos. Betty knows her dad is the black hood, and the entire city is devolving into chaos. Bombs. Guns. Fire. Theft. Weapons. Veronica is making fun of her mom, and the south siders are taking absolute and well-deserved revenge. Jughead and Archie are trying to calm down the situation in the city. And there are just a billion things going on at once. Veronica broke into her dad's office to figure out what he is doing. And the ghoulies just showed up to make everything a thousand times worse. Archie is molotoving the ghoulies to calm them down, which, surprisingly enough, worked. Veronica is telling her mom she deserves better than Harim. Which, pop off queen. Betty's dad has revealed himself to be the killer, buy only to Betty. Hal is revealing how from a child he has been groomed to believe the murder of sinners is just. And that he is the only one that knows the. I lost my train of thought. But now he is confessing to Alice too, and saying that their daughter, Betty, is equally horrid and evil as the both of them. Archie's house got broken into by eighteen naked Cowboys in the shower at Ram Ranch. And Archie is oncemore giving chase to the shooter. Max Mofo just showed up to Jughead and the lawyer meeting up. The ghoulies want the serpents out for good. And are willing to massively threaten the serpents to do so. Anyhow, someone just broke down the door of the Lodge residence in order to kill Veronica and Hermoine. Fangs died. FP and Jughead are against each other today about how to handle the ghoulies. Kill or give in. Hal is choking Alice, and Betty hits him over the head.
FP is falling apart. Between a rock and a hard place. And he is willing to give over his life if need be. Jughead is calling Harim out for leading a genocide against the serpents. Harim's life is falling apart. I have lost my understanding of what is going on. Jughead might be killing himself? Sacrificing himself? The ghoulies refuse to play by the rules that they are supposed to. FP is coming over to exterminate the ghoulies as an act of self-defense. FP rescued a possibly dead Jughead. (watched and written 08/02/2025)

S2 EP22 Chapter Thirty-Five: Brave New World

Betty mourning woke up, Jughead. And so Jughead awoke FP. Fangs is alive. The false info came from the deputy. The serpents fell apart. There is no more serpents group. The Southside has fallen to chaos. And Harim will abuse the fuck out of it. The original gang is all coming back together. Harim is probably behind the back-up black hood. Harim is conspiring with Cheryll's weird family members. Convoluted ass plot. I can not WAIT until this season's plot is done with.
Jughead wants to be with Betty, but Betty says nuh uh. Moose is cry vomiting in the school bathroom. All because of Midge's stuff being stolen during the riot. The principal is forcing out a specific race of people. Cheryll is telling Veronica about the meeting between Claudius, her mom, and Harim. Betty hates her father. FP is leaving because the serpents fell. The sheriff is magicing away the corpse in the Lodge residence while letting the false hood go free.
Veronica is threatening her dad to allow her to walk freer. But Harim is going completely free. The Whyte Wyrm is getting raided by the cops under police attack. So all the serpents are flewing their last home, their last place of residence. They are giving up to at least escape with their lives in tact. Fred is homing all of the serpents. Archie is going to force the bulldogs to wear serpent jackets, and also just all the normies. In order to undo racial prejudice against the serpents. It is such a power play. Veronica is power playing over Harim. Veronica is pushing him between a rock and a hard place. Betty thinks she was born wrong. But Jughead is all like NUH UH!!? Betty is being such a HOND. An a ezel if you will. Hal is mad manipulating Betty. Betty is giving up evil Betty. No more evil Betty. Smh my head mh. Archie is student body president. The serpents live on. FP is saying his goodbyes to the serpents. Forever this time. Never going back again.
Jughead has a red serpent jacket now. Red with green, like Santa. Oh wait, he is giving it to Cheryll. Betty and her mom are finally starting to talk again. Hermoine is the mayor. Archie broke into Hiram's home to congratulate him on his victory. On getting everything he could have possibly hoped to gain. But Archie came armed. To take revenge against a manipulating male boss (Harim). Archie knows it all, and now Harim knows that he knows it, and he knows that he is gathering enemies by the handful. Archie showed how he is willing to kill Harim by stabbing his table. Harim is showing his hand now that he has won. He is showing off how evil he truly is. Polly is helping her mom move on. And Betty is fucking around with Jughead again. Learn to cope bitch.
Josie the pussycat is doing the American anthem. How are they proud of being American after all the problems being in America brought upon all of them? Anyhow, Archie is being arrested for a murder. And we have no clue who the murderer is. Harim showed that he is behind it. (watched and written 08/02/2025)