The Last Sharknado: It's About Time (2018)
Let me preface this by saying that I watched all the sharknado films for the first time today. All in one day. And let me tell you that this movie is one of the best movies ever. I laughed so much, so many of the references were fucking hilarious. and I adore how insane this movie got. Fucking love the insanity it brought. Fucking awesome.
This is a story that takes you all throughout time, but also with a lot of reference which are awesome if caught. The appearance of one of the most iconic drag queens ever was a massive fucking slay too. I love the story, and I must say, even though my attention span had been massively tested by this time, I paid full attention the entire way through. This movie had me so incredibly hooked, much more so than I ever expected. This is a secret masterpiece which goes much too overlooked.
I loved how this movie also took on the topic of time travel and the issues it may cause, it handles this in a delicate, but also series appropriate manner which is commendable. This movie has been the best thing to happen to me in a little bit. I implore every one out there whom reads this to do the same as I. It might feel like the plot gets lost halfway through, but trust me, sit it through and ride this ending all high and mighty. Good night now, I am exhausted after spending my free day watching six sharknado movies. Peace out!
Sharknado 5: Global Swarming (2017)
Welp, I guess the batshit insanity of the previous movies was not enough for the producers. Now there is a sudden lore drop about ancient shark God worship temples and rituals, artifacts to hurt him, the queen is alive in 2027 or whenever this movie takes place. Teleportation and time travel are no longer out of the question either.
Anyhow, the son of the main guy gets kidnapped, and they try to get him back but get teleported into shark invested waters off of the coast of Sydney, it is revealed the Sydney opera house is some massive secret anti shark base and thus they try to get their son back again. When they just about had him, they get teleported away where they have to fight sharknadozilla in Tokyo, because of course it has got to be Tokyo. Anyway, the movie ends in the apocalypse where the son, now older than his dad (fallout 4 reference), reveals he survived through time travel, and they travel through time to safe the earth in the next movie.
Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens (2016)
Welp, I have lost the plot. This movie has lost the plot. The sharknados have elemental types now? Fire, oil, electricity, hail, nuclear. What's next? Whales flying? Oh, wait. We got that, too! Main character's wife turned into a kickass robot who lifts cars, and the world has an anti sharknado system in place now, which is interesting, I suppose.
Whale eating a shark eating a shark eating a shark eating a shark eating a couple and dad. And now a kid with a toy chainsaw is cutting him out of the sharkception. This was my final straw, my 13th reason, also my 14th, 15th, and 16th reasons. This movie is so insane. There is so much I am forgetting because too much happens constantly. I am baffled ar how they are going to increase the stakes twice more.
Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (2015)
Unironically, I am starting to enjoy this, doing some arts in the meantime, so it's not got my fullest attention, but regardless. These movies are batshit insane and make no fucking sense, but they are fucking awesome. I wish that sharks were real. Imagine sharks flying in the air, eating birds, and getting blasted by spaceshuttles.
Anyhow the ending kinda sucked because it was happy, and the a piece of spacedebris cut someone to bits and wrecked this happy ending. Rest in peace.
Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014)
This movie was better than the first one. It was even more batshit insane too. Plane under siege of sharks, but of course shooting the sharks is more important than not falling out of the plane. People do not believe the main characters like always. The metro scene was fucking banging, I did not expect him to come out of that alive, and the taxi driver is a fucking legend.
For the rest, this was not as terrible a movie as I expected. And it had quite a lot of scenes that went quite hard, especially the scene of a someone riding a shark falling out of the sky and impaling it on the spire of the empire state building. That was legendary. Love this movie.
Sharknado (2013)
What was the purpose of the introductory scene? Was it just to set the scene? It has nothing to do with the overarching storyline. Anyhow, this movie needs you to suspend disbelief and defy all you know about anything. Helicopters work in tornados now, small pipe bombs destroy tornados, sharks are just bloodthirsty creatures. Cars with spikes on the front are road legal. Houses can flood, crumble, and wash away when there is no water around them. This movie is filled with this kind of shit, and there are not even any celebrity cameos in this movie yet! I regret deciding to watch this, it is terrible. I would recommend it.