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Heathers (1988)

God, this movie was great. I absolutely love every last second of it. While watching it, I noted down some quotes I enjoyed, so I guess I will be sharing those with you all. Let me get started with:
"Doesn't this cafeteria have a no f*gs allowed rule? It seems to have an open door policy for asshole though." Shoots one blank at Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeny each.
This quote made me realize this movie would be significantly better than I could have ever expected. It just set the scene so well. The slur adds so much rawness and realism to the quote. I absolutely love how well this set the scene for the movie for me, like I was back in highschool myself!
"I don't really like my friends
Yeah, uhh, yeah, I don't really like your friends either."
I chuckled when this moment happened. It was just silly, especially considering the scenes prior and after. The attempted Assault and the constant honking of the horn, neither of them could have put it better. Oncemore an iconic quote from the movie.
"And what did I get? I got paid in puke.
Lick it up baby. lick. It. Up."
Oncemore an iconic fucking quote. This is about Heather getting Veronica into a college party at which a guy tries to assault her. And thus is also part of the context I was talking about in the previous quote.
"I just killed my best friend
And your worst enemy
Same difference."
Once again just a great fucking quote. Movies nowadays just would not be able to get away with stuff like this movie pulls anymore. It is honestly kind of sad. I wish people would be able to make movies like this again, maybe less slurs, but still very raw. Very dark.
"You might think that what I've done is shocking. To me though suicide is the natural answer to the myriad of problems life has given me. People think just because you're beautiful and popular life is easy and fun. No one understood I had feelings too. I die knowing no one knew the real me."
This is Heathers forged suicide note. I like how well written it is, someone obviously spent quite some time writing this and making sure it was at least sort of sensical for the character that was Heather. Sadly though, this note redeemed her character and made her more popular than ever, even though she was actually an abhorrent person.
"These are ich luge bullets.
They're special tranq rounds that pierce the skin and cause some blood and knock you out.
No real damage done."
I really like the fact he calls them 'ich luge' bullets, because it means I lied/I am lying in German. It just adds so much depth to his character and shows how he is plunging into the deep end and trying to drag Veronica down with him. It makes him a lot less matryr like, and makes you feel less bad for whatever could end up happening to him.

For the rest I just think this is a really fun dark movie, and it is definitely worth watching if you are into darker movies. I would go a far as to say it is a must watch for its genre and it just helped set the scene for future entries into this genre.