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V for Vendetta Unmasked (2005)

I just found out this existed, so I immediately had to watch it. It was great to hear the actor's thoughts and ideas surrounding this movie and it offered some interesting insights. I especially liked the explanation of how V's sanctum was designed and why it was designed in said specific manner. I like how they explained the real world connections they tried to point at using the story, their personal fears of what has yet to come. Honestly, I love when movies I am into have behind the scenes reels like this one, I wonder which other have these. And I wonder if they are as good as this one.

V for Vendetta (2005)

Welp, V is great. I love him. I know lots of people do, and I know he is sort of morally gray, but I love him regardless. The story and cinematography of this movie are both quite awesome too. I love how this movie is shot especially with the music during key scenes. I adored the scene in which people took off their masks and it was revealed that a lot of people in the crowd were people we know had died. This really helped hammer in the point that the idea is more important than the individual, because without the idea, no one could possibly have hope.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)

In my humble opinion, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is a great movie. I watched it in the cinema yesterday. Me and my partner were the only ones in the room, so we got to laugh and scream through the room, which was genuinely such an enjoyable experience. From the start to the finish of the movie we were hooked. We, at least, I, was not spoiled in the slightest for this movie which is genuinely such a great feeling. The start of the movie was a tad bit slow, but I feel like that works really well with this type of movie. A slow start and an intense climax. And a climax this movie delivered. The entire wedding scene was great. It flowed perfectly. So. Much. Chaos. I absolutely loved it. I wholeheartedly recommend people watch this movie. It is so fucking good. I hope all of the four people reading this watch it too.