L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

Mahashmashana (2024)

Alright, so I got early access to this entire album and will be rating it. Before I got this access, I had already listened to the two album singles. I did not like Screamland without the context of the album, but perhaps now I will see it in its full glory. Time Makes Fools Of Us All, however, has already become a track I like an awful lot, so there may be some bias to that track over others, Though it that should not matter an awful lot.

Track 1: Mahashmashana
This track is really serene, and I love how well his voice matches it. The second chorus is just awesome, it is so great. This may be one of his better title tracks, it flows well, and the overproduced intrumentals are absolutely banging. I just am already in love with this song after just two listens. The ending of this track is incredibly strong as well, it just builds and builds and builds, before fading out.

Track 2: She Cleans Up
Okay, this is an entirely new type of tune when it comes to his stuff, it feels very distant and foreign compared to his older works. I do quite enjoy this different style. The verses were great, I like how it is tackling a biblical narrative, but also jumping to other topics, such as mentioning Under the Skin (I will review this movie in the near future.) On top of this, I enjoy how there are also tie ins back into the prior biblical narrative in the chorus, all be it they are significantly weaker tie ins, but they are there none the less. The refrain just feels like a nice bit of calm repetition in the storm that is this track. The bridge of this track is also quite intriguing, it once more uses biblical references and just makes the song feel much rounder. All these factors combined with the instrumentals, which are absolutely awesome too, make this track a great candidate for an eventual greatest hits album, to replace his great-ish hits album.

Track 3: Josh Tillman And The Accidental Dose
To give a heads up in advance, I have watched a couple, albeit not finished, live performances of this track. Alright, the instrumentals are so good on this track. It just keeps you invested. I like the subject matter of the track too, especially the line about treating acid with anxiety, showing that he is in the opposite world as that which he is used to. And then the final verse. Ho. Ly. Fuck. That was great. I absolutely adore the way he wrote about this subject matter, I would not be surprised if this is based on real events seeing how he has dabbled with, well done a metric boatload of, psychedelics in the past. I really emplore you to listen to this when it is finally out on streaming.

Track 4: Mental Health
This track, I love this track so much already. The instrumentals are like a sweet ferry ride across a calm river. While the lyrics are dark. Starting of with mentioning the panopticon, a structure designed in such a way that you never know when you are being observed, causing your behavior, even when not observed and all cameras are on, to be quite different. He then compares this with mental disorder labels, how they just put you in a box to make you more predictable. This track, just like others in this album have christian connotations which help connect the album together. This track may be my favorite thusfar. I really enjoy it a lot.

Track 5: Screamland
I have listened to this track a couple times before, but really hooked off at the refrain. Now with the context of the album prior to this, I think the refrain actually works. It does not feel as spontaneous as it did prior to this anymore.
This track starts a lot slower before exploding into the first refrain, a buildup not dissimilar to Things That Would Have Been Helpful To Know Before The Revolution. After it drops back down as the next verse continues. The strings (I think they are strings at least) in this section are probably some of my favorites. The ending of this song is an incredibly powerful experience, it just feels so intense and overwhelming, but not in a bad way. Overall, despite all the positive aspects of this song, I do think it is the weakest link in the album. It is a good track, but not the best on here.

Track 6: Being You
The instrumentals of this track start of a lot different than all the other tracks. It starts off feeling a lot more barebones than the other tracks. This starts changing very slowly during the first chorus. It is subtle, but it becomes a lot more like the rest of this album. The lyrics are really good too. I do not have much more to write about this track. It is honestly quite good, although just a lot different. I think it is an interesting change in his style. I really enjoy it.

Track 7: I Guess Time Makes Fools Of Us All
I knew in advance that this is an absolute banger. The instrumentals at the starts are so swinging, and the lyrics are awesome. I love how there are so many verses and the only real repetition is the title being repeated after every verse. I also really just love how every verse has something to tell, and that it all just adds up. I also like that oncemore there is some form of reference to religion, this just helps tie the album together so much more, like the read thread connecting all the photos and borderline-insane ramblings of a characture of a mentally ill person in media. And then the fade-out ending is just the cherry on top for me. It feels like the best way to end this track. Listening to the entire album in context makes it so much better that this was the first album single/teaser, it was probably the best song he could have chosen for it. It feels very representative of the album in its entirety.

Track 8: Summer's Gone
Instantly feels like I am at an orchestra. Feels a lot like his previous works in a lot of aspects. It is a lot calmer, slower, less intense than the rest of this album. It feels serene and like a great ending to this masterpiece of an album. The lyrics feel very personal and gentle, almost akin to someone calming you down. But then the final lyric of this song makes the tone change a lot to me. It directly challenges the entirety of the previous, making the previous an even better pick for album single, Because it set up our belief that Time Makes Fools Of Us All, only to be challenged by the last lyric of this track, stating that Joshua himself is unable to be touched by time. That he is above everyone else in that regard and wont crash down like Icarus.

Overall this album is a genius masterpiece and is my favorite work of his by a long shot. I like how cohesive this album is, how the topics of one track are often able to be found again in another. The flow of this album is incredible too, just perfectly crafted. This is definitely one of the better albums released this year, and I am going to love to see the conversations it stirs up when it will officially be out. I am unable to muster up adequate words to describe this masterwork of his.

Chloe and the Next 20th Century (2022)

Track 1: Chloe
Fuck how I love this song, it is so swingy, I just can not sit still during it. The lyrics are so good too, they just flow out of him like water through a mountain stream, they just work so well with the overly playful tunes. This song forces you to sing along, if you do not it just feels odd. It is just a banger of a song.

Track 2: Goodbye mr Blue
A sad song which he often performs live, dedicated to a pet from an audience member. It is just such a sad song, just overflowing with emotion. The instrumentation feels very calming and like a blanket gently being wrapped around you, while the vocals sound more melacholic, emotional, and raw. The lyrics are sad, speaking about a pet whom died in the arms of his owner, who is mouring about the last time being too soon, and regretting not doing more together. Not comfortig eachother more. It is just such a sad and emotional track, which I adore.

Track 3: Kiss Me (I Loved You)
The intro to this song is amazing. However I absolutely dispise the vocal distortion, it makes me feel so uncomfortable, and I do not have a clue why. It makes me nauseous and is the main reason I slept on this album for so long. The lyrics and instrumentals are awesome, the vocal delivery is great, but the added distortion just completely ruins this track for me. It makes me unable to properly enjoy it, even though it had the potential to be so much more than it currently is. Which is just saddening to me. A song with such potential jut ruined to me forever. It does make me long for my partner's lips against mine, though.

Track 4: Everything But (Her love)
The vocal distortion on this track is handled infinitely better than that on the previous track. The instrumentals are oncemore superb, absolutely awesome, playful, in the same tier as mahashmashana and pure comedy, the lyrics are quite great too, but they do not quite work together in my mind. It feels like, even though mixed and mastered quite well, there is some border preventing the vocals and instrumentals from blending together quite properly.

Track 5: Buddy's Rendevouz

This track is an absolute banger too, the vocals, the lyrics, the rather slow instrumentals, the delivery of all of it together. "Forget that lefty shit your mom drilled in your mind" is honestly such an interesting lyric, I wonder what he actually means with that, because as far as I am aware, Tillman himself is quite progressive too. I listened to the album version of this track which is, in my opinion, the superior version, because I can not stand to listen to Lana Del Rey's voice a lot. Whenever that version comes on while shuffeling his discography, I physically recoil because of it. I do not mean hate to Lana Del Rey, but her music is just absolutely not for me.

Track 6: Q4
Complete shift in vibes. Complete turn in direction. The drums in this song are so much more present, it adds a pressure to the track, which makes the parts without it feel a lot more tense too, like a calm before the storm feeling. The other instruments are also quite well done in this album, and I really do enjoy it. I do think this is one of the weaker tracks on this album.

Track 7: Olvidado (Otre Momento)
Immediately this track is very playful in nature. It feels like it was a fun time to write, perform, and it is a fun time to listen to. It makes me want to dance in a playful, and silly manner. It feels so happy and accepting, but in reality it is about failing to communicate through words and body language, presumably because he is so in love with the person he is serenading, and flirting with. Overall a lovely song with oncemore gorgeous instrumentation.

Track 8: Funny Girl
Slow and gentle, swaying me like a baby. Floating on the vocals like its water, all the while being slowly taken downstream in the river of calming instruments. It is a very soothing song, and I do not have much more than that to say.

Track 9: Only A Fool
Swingy, slow, and warming lyrics. It fills me with the urge to slow dance with my fiance. It feels so lovey dovey, yet there is also a hint of melancholy. A touch of sadness contrasting the positivity.

Track 10: We Could Be Strangers
This one feels a bit more unique again after the prior two tracks. The instumentals are great, and the vocals are distorted in quite a nice way again. It feels very flowy, very romantic. Quite a nice track, which I should most definitely listen to more frequently.

Track 11: The Next 20th Century
A great song to end the album. A bit less flowy, more tension. The vocals are more in the spotlight again, but also give way to the instrumentals when necessary. THe track fits together quite well, and also feels like it adds quite a lot to the album. This track invokes some kind of feeling in me, but I am unsure as to what this feeling is. It feels the least loving out of most of these quite love-themed songs, it feels the daarkest and saddest in some weird way, yet I do not have a clue why this feels that way.

Track 12 (bonus): Kiss Me (I Loved You) (Jack Cruz's version)
Wtf is this? What am I listening to? Is this pissed Kermit who just got home after a long day of work and drinking? This is slightly ass.

Track 13 (bonus): Kiss Me (I Loved You) (Alternate Version)
I actually fuck with this big time. I think this is quite great. I prefer this over the actual album version. I feel like that should be a bad thing. I love how raw and unpolished it is, and I love the keys so much. It makes the vibe so much different. So much better in my opinion. I love this so much.

Track 14 (bonus): Buddy's Rendezvous (Lana Del Rey's version)
The vocals just do not do anything for me. The instrumentals are still great, just as they were in the first place. It just does not work as well with Lana's soft voice. It feels too gentle with this gentle music, it does not evoke as much feeling in me. It just feels a lot less rounded. The parts where Josh harmonizes may be my favorite parts of the vocals, because it adds at least a little bit of depth. Overall, for me personally I will stick with Josh's version of this track.

Track 15 (bonus): Chloe (Instrumental Version)
I do not have an awful lot to say about this one. It is good, and I love the instrumental.

Honestly, this album is quite great. The bonus features to me were a bit hit or miss, but still interesting to get to listen to. It mostly consists of soft and gentle tunes with matching and yet clashing vocals. It does get a little repetative at times, especially Only A Fool and We Could Be Strangers felt that way. The worst track, and also the track that made me not want to listen to this album for ages, was Kiss Me (I Loved You). It is just so not my vibe, which kind of ruined the entire album for me, one bad apple spoils the batch as they say.