L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

the owl and the elephant 2010

I would like to firstly write a short introduction to the album and how I will go about writing about it. This is a great album which I absolutely adore. Some of the tracks are stronger than others but overall it is a great experience for the ears. There are a lot of interesting topics that get talked about in this album and some of the songs tell a great, astonishing even, story that can drive me to tears on occassion. An example of this from the album is Every Fallen Feather. It is a slow, but great song which tells the somber story of a love that was never meant to be. I will write in more detail about this track, and my interpretations of it, later on in this post. I would like to end this introduction off by stating that these are all my opinion, thoughts and what I think these songs represent. I mean no offense to the original author, Shayfer James if my opinions miss the mark by a long shot.

Song 1: Life is Beautiful.

I've actually heard part of the story behind this track before. It was written after the man, the myth, Shayfer James saw a documentary about the Jonestown Massacre. It's written from the perspective of Jim Jones with the thought of "what if he really believed that what he was doing was right?" kept in his head while writing it. This resulted in a hauntingly gorgeous track with really dark themes sang in a really happy way. Now I will go through the song lyric by lyric to comment on it and what i think of it.
The first 16 seconds is a quiet drum slowly building up and building up and building up until.
"I think I found a passage out of here" The first lyric of the song. Cryptic, especially without the context. It seems to be about Jim Jones trying to escape his predicament, knowing what we know.
"Maybe we could make our great escape" Being immediately followed by this confirms our suspicions, however, there's more people he is talking about. Maybe the other members or just one specific person?
"You'd didn't think we'd make it, did you dear?" The use of the word dear makes me think he is talking to one person in specific, who this person may be, I have no clue.
"Oh, somewhere in this dark you lost your faith" This insinuates that the other person lost their faith in Jim after all of the happenings in and around Jonestown. But he also says he has a plan to fix everything and make it right once again. Albeit this will turn out to be through ritual suicide.
"Oh a duh duh a duh duh
So drink to the dawn
We'll be home
Cause life is beautiful"
I think this is the great escape, the drinking of the kool-aid (Even though they did not have actual kool-aid at Jonestown because it was not easily available in Guyana.) that was laced with cianide. The we'll be home may refer to their home in heaven, because it was a cult which had it roots in Christian beliefs. And the "life is beautiful" part I think is just some sick outlook on life, seeing the beauty in a mass murder with many victims. Or maybe it is him thinking the power he holds over people is beautiful. Or just that fulfilling his religious beliefs are beautiful.
"Save all your prayers while we're gone
Cause life is beautiful
Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh"
I think the first lyric of these is him telling his followers not to worry. Telling them to place their full misplaced trust in him. The second lyric I do not think has changed in meaning.
"I think I see some sunlight peeking through
Oh, it won't be very long before we're done
I will be a hero, so will you
I'll just look up and scream
"Hey can anyone, can anyone hear me?""
This set of lyrics is more complex. I think the first is referring to how he sees his plan start to work, how he literally sees people start to die, and believes they go to heaven. This is further elaborated upon in the third lyric, claiming them to both become heroes, Jim Jones and the unnamed second person. Heroes for saving all these people's souls from the Guyanan government and sending them up to heaven. The second lyric is there to show that the plan is running smoothly. The fourth lyric is, and this may be a far stretch, Jim Jones attempting to scream to the souls of his followers as he believes them to be ascending to heaven. What he is screaming is elaborated in the fifth lyric, making it seem like he is desperate for a response. A confirmation that the plan is going correctly. that everything is working.
He then repeats the chorus although Shayfer James sings it a bit more intensely, and the instruments feel a bit more tense. He also does not finish the sentence with Beautiful, Hinting at a possible degrade in Jim Jones' mental state.
And if they follow us
You go ahead, I'll meet you there
And if they follow us
You go ahead, I'll meet you there
And if they follow us
You go ahead, I'll meet you there
And if they follow us
You go ahead, you go ahead, you go ahead
I'll meet you there
Shayfer James then proceeds to sing this in a very slightly less calm than the rest of the song tone. Possibly to hint at Jim Jones' worries about the Guyanan government busting down his ritual before it is finished. It also ends with a slightly frantic end, by the repition getting worse and more repetitive.
Cause life is beautiful
Drink to the dawn
We'll be home
Cause life is beautiful
Save all your prayers while we're gone
The chorus plays a final time. Now back to being calm, because it seems his plan worked, he managed to finish the ritual and exude absolute power over his followers before the Guyanan government could stop him. I say this based on the fact that Shayfer James sings in a calmer tone again, hinting at the lack of doubt remaining in Jim Jones' brain.
The final lyric is the title of the song again. Albeit sung a lot slower with the instruments very intesely fading out, hinting at the fact that Jim Jones' plan did in fact manage to work. And that, just like in real life

Song 2: Bayonettes.

the opening notes of this track are hauntingly beautiful. They just feel so dark and somber.
"Her lies match her dress
Beautiful, white and just about harmless
And his eyes speak his past
Colorful, wild and totally ruthless"
This introduction to the song paints a nice picture. The girl lies a lot, about small and harmless things, but lies nonetheless. The guy has been through wringer, he has seen things in life that most have not and will never. This sets up a really nice dichotomy between two completely different people who seem to be in a relationship.
"Oh this bed and this mess
Were both made
both made in silence
In a fight to the death
Where these broken promises fix bayonnettes"
This seems to show that their relationship is incredibly unstable. An made bed, with a mess on top. One doing well, the other not. Or maybe one part doing well, the other not in both of them. But the last line strikes as odd. bayonnettes are made to hurt, and it seems either, or maybe both parties in the relationship are "fixing up" their bayonettes again. Maybe this hints at the couple about to start arguing, or hell, maybe even getting physical with eachother again soon. Over something as small as a mess on a made bed.
"Oh and he said
"This is your, this is your
This is your fairytale love
Your fairytale love
Oh this is your, this is your
This is your very own love
Your very own love""
Maybe with the chorus he is trying to tell her that even though he loves her, maybe the love they have for eachother is not a very healthy love, and will end in pain (I.E. the aformentioned bayonettes and the nightmare in the chorus) for the both of them. I think he is also trying to tell her that her type in men is bad for her and that her type of love is bad for others because if the fairytale love and very own love lines.
"And that look in your eye
Is certain to try and divide us
As the sun in it's sky
Is threatening, is threatening violence"
This seems to be a more head own admission to the fact their relationship is not healthy and needs to have changes. It also seems to imply that she is very disposed to have mood swings due to external factors due to the line about the sun threatening voilence. I take this to mean that the fact that the sun is too bright makes her more prone to having an outburst.
"Oh and he said
"This is your, this is your
This is your fairytale love
Your fairytale love
Oh this is your, this is your
This is your very own love
Your very own love
Oh this is your
This is the same chorus once again, sang just a tad differently, pressumably in an attempt to reflect the pain or dispair he feels at the situation. Loving someone who hurts him. "She said
"How will I
Get along"
She said
"How will I
Get along""
This seems to be a confession of her not doing great, having problems, needing help. And asking how she can "get along". How she will continue her social interactions, but in a healthier way. How and if she could keep the relationship going. Shayfer James also sings this part very somberly hinting at her being in severe distress and pain while confessing this and asking for help.
"And he said
"This is your, this is your
This is your fairytale love
Your fairytale love
Oh this is your, this is your
This is your very own love
Your very own love
Oh this is your
Oh this is your
The final chorus starts with a continuation of the somber tone in the previous verse, before slowly building up to a more powerful and strong voice again. It is a bit of a chaotic version of the chorus with multiple voices singing through eachother, moreso than the last chorus. But it makes clear that he has been right all along, and only wanted to help her all along. Before ending with a really intense Night without the mare, implying he believes she can, in fact, become a better person and this is her night to change.