L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

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button to armageddon gospel revival page
Well, well, well? Lookie what we have here. A page in my music review section without any music. How does that work?

Lets just say this man, this myth, this legend, could not stick to a single band for a prolonged period of time. He hopped from band to band to band all the while also making banging movies, many of which I do indeed wish to watch and review. Anyhow, this man made a bunch of music with a whole bunch of other guys. A lot of it is very punky with a lot of psychedelic influences (The drugs, not the music style). The quality of this music varies from the worst punk ever to actually being awesome, and I am here for both. The man behind this (alias: William Hellfire) honestly seems quite cool and thus I have dedicated this here page to him. The actual music reviews are available by clicking on the shitty old-web style buttons on the left and right.