The Armageddon Gospel Revival (1996)
Track 1: Free You
Vibey and swing, very free music, the synth in this track is great, and I do understand what william Hellfire meant with it needing vocals to ascertain its full potential. The drums and bass worked great as backing instruments in this track, which I think was quite neat. The ending tone felt a bit dragged out, though.
Track 2: Don't Inhale
The drums in the intro go hard as fuck. As does the guitar. The guitar is great in here, I recon it is somehow better than the synth would have been. It would have been much better with some vocals in it too, though the electric guitar does go hard as fuck though in the outro which partially makes up for it.
Track 3: Heaven 17
Very WWWOOOWWW synth tunes. After that, it feels like high-pitched train horns turning into melodic notes. The drums hold out steady throughout the track, and the bass, to me, feels very far out in the background. The wow'ing synth is a bit annoying to me, maybe a bit more quiet with vocals it would have sounded better.
Track 4: Taste the blood of blacula
Nice repetitive bass tune, great backing drums, and to me, it feels the synthesizer is doing the job of the vocals just as well as vocals could have done. The ending is oncemore a little drawn out, though.
Track 5: Girl Ghoul a Go-Go
The guitar is shredding this numbed the fuck up. This is awesome. I can picture some post punk style screaming being put into this, poorly mixed into the whole and melting in with the instruments. The lyrics truly feel lacking in this, I can just feel the gap where they should have been. I wish this could have been completed. And the outro was great until the squak kicked in
This feels really good and really nice, a bit sad that they never got around to finishing this album, though. It has a lot of potential, and I wish I could see that be realized. Good soup, would recommend.