L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

We're gonna get you -Tyrannosaurus Dracula (2007)

Track 1: Black Magic
Why does this actually go hard?? This is like regular punk adjacent music, now, I do gotta say the lyrics are hard to comprehend, and it is a tad basic, but it still goes hard as fuck.

Track 2: Most Dangerous game
What the fuck, this is proper music. That intro goes so hard. I really quite enjoy the manner in which the lyrics are pelted out.

Track 3: She Died With Her Boots On... And Nothing Much Else
Drunk guy screaming at his fans while the band improvises to make it sound like a purposefully intended act after smoking 12 cigars and 8 joints at once. Also known as: banging good music.

Track 4: Upsidedown Stars
Intro feels a tad basic, but it would fuck to hear live. The lyrics are just a guy vomiting into the audience after drinking a bottle of everclear laced with lsd, which, in my honest opinion, is completely fair and sounds damn fine.

Track 5: Black Magic (2006 demo)
Bwiiijijiiiiijiiinmmggfn bijiooonjiojikmmggggg, the bass is all oingo boingo ing all over the place. The mic click at the end really finishes this recording off.

Track 6: She Died With Her Boots On... And Nothing Much Else (2006 demo)
This is significantly more comprehensible than the later iteration, I can actually sort of hear what he is yapping about. It does still fuck though. I fucking love that the hihat sounds like a kid playing the cowbell. That adds so fucking much to the vibe.

Track: 7 Pentacle Blues
Immediately sounds like trashpunk, fucking love that. How do the instruments sound like they're on drugs? That's mad impressive. Holy shit, how is this track so long what the fuck? Oh shit the lyrics start after all, we may be past the four minute mark, but it was worth ever second. The words are so faded and slurred that it is impossible to hear what they're on about. Depressingly long and abrupt ending.

Track 8: Ballin'
This goes hard and fast, fuck yeah, me too, bitch. Can't catch me bitch. Little bitch. OH MY GOD THESE LYRICS ARE SO GOOD AS ARE THE VOCALS. I badly want to make a cover of this song. Well, at least, the vocals. The outro goes fucking hard. Holy shit.

This album feels incredibly solid as long as you ignore Petacle Blues. The vocals compliment the instruments very well, as do the instruments compliment one another. Track 4: Upsidedown Stars felt especially strong when it comes to the instrumentals. the guitar and keys work together incredibly well on that track, but my favorite still has to be Ballin' just because it made me chuckle and is unironically a massive banger.

Links to where to listen to the music, and where to review it (which is something I hope people will actually do).
Free Music Archive link
Archive dot org link
Rate Your Music link