L0BST3RF4C3's madhouse

Spoiler warning

In this page I will be discussing any and all events that happen in the ajin frachise, that is to say, if you read this, and have yet to read this maga yourself, you should not complain that you have been spoiled on every plot point in the manga. The manga only totals about 3400 pages, which should be easily doable to anyone with the same mental illnesses as me. So you know, this spoils the whole manga.

Ajin volume 1

This volume is the exact same as the start of the anime, and it is honestly a really good introduction to the plot and the ideas explored within the series. It gives inclinations that this is a bloody novel not for the faint of heart, and it shows that it is not afraid to hide difficult topics. So far, it is a good novel. The art style is quite simplistic, but honestly, it just works. It really just works. I also kind of feel like you could pull a comparison between ajins or demi-humans to queer folk, because they are a small ostracized and overly hated group. I say this because topics discussed include "closet ajins" and there being several potential types of groups and ways to strive for equality between ajin or demi-humans and regular people.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 2

Man, what a great ending this volume had. The detailed chapter about Shinya Nakamura was so interesting, I do not think I had seen that story before, it is absolutely great, and a great introduction to the idea of flood phenomena. I am already becoming quite glad that I decided to read the ajin manga finally, it is so good already, the entire concept is just o flipping interesting. The story is still in its opening arc, so there is not a lot to write about yet, but so far it is really good.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 3

Man, the twists in this volume go hard. Hatman is some big evil guy looking to change the way ajins or demi-humans go about their lives, using Tanaka as a pawn to garner in public support for his cause. Him revealing there is a way in which ajins or demi-humans can die and threatening and attempting to do this to Kei. Kei saving a researcher by dropping him off the roof. This chapter is kind of wild, yo. I love this so much, this is what I am reading it for. I just can not wait to see in which direction this story goes and in what ways it differs and departs from the anime, which I first watched as a kid around when it came out.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 4

Events are speeding up rapidly, only about half the ajins or demi-humans joined the hatman, and the other half got stuffed in metal barrels. Ko Nakano, however, got away. He went on to look for Kei, whom tries to incapacitate Ko in three seperate ways before dropping him down into a abandoned crashed truck, in which he has to suffer all by himself. The hatman and his gang decide to take a more radical approach to gaining their freedoms, through violence. Setting up a nation by and for Ajin or demi-humans. They plan out an attack on the headquarters of a healthcare company, which they execute flawlessly, by hijacking a plane and flying it into a tower. Hatman did 9/11 2, electric boogaloo?
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 5

Kei and Ko teaming up was unexpected, but at the same time the only viable solution that benefits the both of them. They can take on the hatman and restore public faith in ajin or demi-humans so that Kei can leave a normal, calm life, and Ko can feel like a just hero of the people. Their motivations are so different, but their goals the same, so it only made sense. But to go as far as to team up with the government official who wants nothing more than to see you drop down dead might be taking it a little too far. I mean, just a week or two ago he was responsible for your torture, and he was enjoying the hell out of it, so why suddenly trust him and spill your guts to him? I just do not understand, the risks would appear much too high to me. Anyhow, the hatman made a hitlist of targets he will kill, and the government official Kei and Ko are working with is on it, so who knows where this will go next? Probably another bloody battle.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 6

Well then, the character development story part one, stuff happens to set up the big stuff that will happen later. Kei and Ko train really hard in order to defeat Sato (hatman) in a planned ambush, Kai (I did not mention him earlier, but he is a buddy of Kei and helped him escape in volume one) is making friends in prison and got the option to escape prison once in the case he ever feels it is absolutely necessary to do so. I feel like shit will go down next chapter.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 7

Welp, my prediction was right. Shit went down. And it will continue to do so. SO many corpses thusfar, and quite an epic sequence which took place in Kei's dreams. But honestly, Tanako doing Sato's dirty work, and expertly infiltrating the fortress-tower is great. It is so expertly executed, and so wildly different to the anime. The story continues unfolding, and honestly, the hype for the next part is absolutely massive.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 8

Holy motherforking shirtballs, as Eleanor Shellstrop would say. If what I read in the previous chapters was world war two, then now they are priming the nukes. Kei Nagai says that emergency plan B is to kille everyone in the building if it means killing Sato the hatman. Every. Last. Human. Being. No survivors. Even if it takes months to incapacitate Sato. Anyway, Sato sent in his hand disguised as a chicken nugget and then jumped into a woodchipper in order to regenerate from his biggest piece, his hand. This allowed him to skip an entire section of the building. He then wrecks the power generator as well as the backup before freeing his friends. After this he continues into some of the wildest fight scenes yet in this book. Very fucking awesome, hell yeah. Best part? It continues yet.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 9

This was honestly much more intense than I had imagined. A new ajin or demi-human technique got introduced: cutting off a limb, pressing the wound against something, and killing yourself. The regeneration breaks down whatever is blocking the cut is pressed against, making a hole in any material possible. Anyway Sato the hatman used this trick to kill the CEO and together with Tanaka they decided not to kill his assistent. Thus making the operation a success. After this success he decided to threaten Kei and Ko and taunt them by saying that he will behead Kei to get him over his fear of beheadings. Which is absolutely devious without further context. Anyway, this taunting appears to make Sato the hatman feel absolutely elated, but when he finally reaches Kei and Ko, now on the roof of the tower, Ko falls off due to clumsiness and Kei gets shot off by a dying friend. This volume then concludes with the break up between Kei and Ko, which saddens my poor heart. These gays were made for one another.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 10

Another chapter that serves more so as a breather than an action packed adventure. This time around a lot still happened regardless. Tanaka is starting to dislike and disagree with Sato the hatman, and Kei decided to return regardless. The minister is meeting up with Sato and the media is seeding fear. I also really enjoyed the view into the pasts of both Sato and Ogura. And we see just how much different the ajin or demi-humans get treated in the United States as opposed to Japan. And sato being some mob boss making hundreds if not thousands of enemies after an already particularly eventful life feels so in character.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 11

We have stopped being allowed to breathe, as the tension is building up oncemore. Sato's plan is moving, and it is doing so fast. His actions are cold and calculated, and he does not give a flying fuck if it hurts those whom he had been holding dear to him in the process. He has completely cut off Takana, and it appears others are starting to get less on board with his plans as well. I wonder how his invasion of the airbase will end up playing out, there are so many variables and I am so excited to continue on reading.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 12

The thick plotens, and the fights continue on getting larger in scale, the death tolls of just this attack probably rival those of 9/11 and they have yet to stop rising. The counter agents are the almost arriving on scene, Tanaka is free and safe, as is the barreled up fireman, though, he has probably lost his mind at this point. Sato continues on slaughtering groups probably numbering in the 50s at a time and is slowly reaching out toward his end goal.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 13

Sato's plan was to repeatedly commit 9/11 all over the country, but with fighterjets instead. And it is working. The anti-ajin team has been sent in to assist the Ajin group to kill, incapacitate, and or stop Sato. There are minor scuffles here and there, but the big fun is about to unfold pretty damn soon. And I am personally incredibly intrigued on how it will play out, how much bloodshed there will be, and if there will be any beheaings leading to flood phenomena (Looking at you, Kei Nagai. If this is what happens I am going to feel so fucking smart.) So anyway, a lot is happening, and even more is about to happen.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 14

Their anti-Sato plan was so complex, steal his arm, find a hole, drop it in the hole, and all that before he would have the chance to kill himself in a kamikaze attack. Absolutely a wild plan, but the execution was nigh perfect. I was sitting on the edge of my seat reading all that, and I could see it all play out as a video before me, and it was just so fucking good. God, this is great.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 15

The flood did indeed happen, as did some kai backstory (Kai is back in action, and also killed in action) But Kei's flood created an unending number of IBM's (I know I have not mentioned these earlier, but ajin or demi-humans can summon weird ghosty boys whom wreck shit). But he flooded ad caused much too many to form, and they are attacking Sato, even though he is escaping with a helicopter to move abroad and live his life as a professional gamer.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 16

Sato got hindered and fell out of the helicopter due to various reasons, he is now playing incredibly dirty against everyone to try and escape regardless. Mainly by playing in on their traumas and memories. Also, Kei lost his memory for a bit and Kai is still dead. This ending feels rather.... underwhelming. Anyhow, Ikuya Ogura died in the exact way he had hoped to, just after finishing the last cigarette of a brand he holds ddear to him, possibly the last in the world. I find that rather heartwarming. He had one of my favorite stories in this story.
(read and written 08/12/2024)

Ajin volume 17

Honestly? The ending was quite satisfactory after all. I like that we got to see a glimpse into the lives, the happy ever afters, of all the surviving main characters. I like that they get the chance to start anew again as a normal person, and just live their lives. This was honestly such an awesome story and brought be to the verge of tears. The ending is so satisfactory. I am glad it ended like that, almost rather would have Ikuya Ogura actually die though, instead of him surviving because the flood ended. Anyhow, this story was good regardless.
(read and written 08/12/2024)


Going into it, I did not expect to get into this story as much as I did. I had never expected to read this as fast as I did. I intended to read like six hundred pages, and leave the rest for another day, but, this story hooked in my mentally ill ass. It forced me to keep reading, it had me in a chokehold and said "read me or else". And so I read. three-thousand four-hundred thirty-nine pages. I only took two breaks from reading, between 9am and 1030pm. I do not understand where this focus came from, but it resulted in this peak entertainment, and me finally having a satifactory ending to ajin, as the anime completely lacks this.

The overall story that gets told is honestly quite good, and it gives breathing room when needed, however, toward the end, in volume 15 and 16, I did not like the plot as much. It kind of felt like a cop out, even though it really was not. I felt like Sato was actually gonna dip, and like the situations were too unfavorable for the main cast. Like, memory loss from brain damage. That would effect your logical reasoning too, right? Meaning he realistically would not be able to deduce he is an ajin or demi-human anymore in that situation, making him not shoot himself to reset his body. I am not quite sure why this was a step too far for me, but I just could not suspend my disbelief that much.