I will preface this by stating this entire part of the site will be very scuffed. And I am not interesting to objectively nor consistently rate these beverages.
I hope someone will enjoy reading this (if anyone even finds it.) and maybe someone will take my (probably very biased because I love ginger) advice on what drink
is the superior ginger drink. I have strong opinions on which one is best, so this will possibly be an enjoyable read.
1. Fentimans Ginger Beer
The GOAT of all the ginger beverages which I have subjected my flesh sack too. It has a very strong medicinal taste, but in a good way as opposed to most actual medications.
This is because its medicinal flavor is derived from the herbs and spices that are in this drink. I have a strong memory of me pulling a bottle of this out at a train station,
and some people who I was with whom I had met earlier that day thought it was alcohol (I told them it was not, and I told them what it was, but they still wanted to try it) and
one person damn near threw up from the flavor. I found this quite funny really, but I say this to make clear it is not a drink for everyone. Its gingery aspects also perfectly
blend with the herbs and spices making for a lovely experience when drinking it. 9/10.
2. Fever Tree Ginger Beer
This is an awesome and delishious drink. It is awesomely balanced and is so good. Very gingery, very spicy. A delecate and nice balance of flavors. Definitely must try for
a ginger fanatic like me. Please do not underestimate this drink. 9/10.
3. Thomas Henry Spicy Ginger Beer
This beverage has a great blend of sweetness, spiciness and ginger. It is an interesting flavor profile to try. It is significantly better than I expected and it i a pleasant
surprise to drink. Definitely a recommendation. 8/10.
4. Old Jamaica Ginger Beer
A delishious spicy yet sweet delicately balanced beverage. Its flavor is something to behold. Sweet and spicy dancing together oh harmonious tunes of peace sending your brain
right into a world of dreams and imagination. Awesome experience, awesome taste. 8/10.
5. BundAberG Ginger Beer
A great ginger beer that is my go to when my stomach is acting up. It is a nice balance between its flavors and an interesting experience which I would definitely reccomend.
6. NATURFRIK ginger shot
God fucking fuck. This drink hits like a dumptruck filled to the brim with lead. It has such a strong and overwhelming ginger flavor. It is literally seventy percent ginger juice
then a bunch of apple and lemon juice. It fucks you over so bad in the best way imaginable. It burns like hellfire and the flavor is so strong. And it is also not an unhealthy
thing to enjoy. Overall quite a great drink. 8/10.
7. Luscome Devon England Hot Ginger Beer
This was honestly decent, just, not spicy enough. 6/10
8. Finley Ginger Ale
A ginger ale above several ginger beers may come as a surprise to some, but this is the best ginger ale I've ever tried. It is not too obnoxiously sweet and it has
most of the ginger characteristics I like in a ginger drink. Spicy and ginger flavor. 6/10.
9. Monster Energy Mule Ginger Brew
Well, maybe a surprise this one is this far down. I absolutely adore monster energy beverages. Caffeine and radical flavor. What is there not to love? This one especially,
it is sugar free and burns in my throat just enough for me to not be underwhelming. It is still a tad on the sweet side, but it is definitely a recommendable drink if you
like caffeine too. If you do not care for caffeine much stay away from this one. 6/10
10. Fever Tree Blood Orange Ginger Beer
This is a delishiously refreshing drink with a spicy kick. It has a great light citrus flavor with spicy ginger burn in the back of my throat. I would recommend this drink. 6/10.
11. Solevita Ginger Shot
This was an awesome ginger shot. Very interesting experience to try. The flavor profile changed every sip I took out of the first couple (yes, I did shake it.). The first sip
was very apple juice forward. The second it became spicy. The third added ginger and lemon flavor. I definitely reccomend it. It was really cheap. 6/10.
12. BundAberG Diet Ginger Beer
This drink is a lot less sweet and also a lot less complex than the original BundAberG ginger beer. It is an decent diet option, but I would be more inclined to reccomend Fentimans
ginger beer as a low sugar option. 6/10
13. Royal Club Ginger Mule 0% Sugar
This one stands out from the other Royal Club ginger beverages I have tried. It tries something a bit different. First off, The flavor of ginger is a lot stronger, secondly,
it appears almost as if there is some strong herbal flavor that pops up in the back of my throat. It is an interesting experience, which I will reccomend, even if it is
exclusively for the experience. 6/10
14. Royal Club Ginger Beer 0% Sugar
A decent ginger beer with a balance between sweet and spicy. Great for a first time ginger ebverage enjoyer, though if you enjoy them you will quickly find yourself lusting
and searching for a ginger beverage that is superior to this one. It is not bad by any means, but I personally only get it when it is on sale. 6/10.
15. Fentimans Pink Ginger
I quite like the flavor of this drink, it is incredibly interesting. It is sweet and a little spicy, but there is also ome amount of citrus coming through. This gives it a very
interesting twist on the flavor. 6/10.
16. HOLYSHOT Ginger Tumeric Pineapple (organic superjuice shot)
Quite an interesting blend of flavors. Simultaneously sour, very ginger forward, and strong pineapple flavors. It is a great mix of sweet, sour and spicy. Would reccomend it if
you are looking to get into ginger shots. 5/10.
17. Royal Club Ginger Beer
A slightly underwhelming drink that could have left behind some amount of sweetness. It has slight spiciness to it, but it is drowned out by all the sugar. It has a gingery flavor
that I very much enjoy, although it is not the most intense. It is not terrible but also not the most reccomendable. 5/10.
18. Royal Bliss Ginger Ale
It is a decent ginger beverage. Quite refreshing and somewhat spicy. It was advertised as having rosemary which I personally could not detect at all. Overall it was an okay drink.
19. Kaufland Ginger Ale
This ginger drink is neithe good nor bad. It has ginger flavor, it is a bit sweet. That is about all i can say about it. It is nothing particularly special. 5/10.
20. Wostok Berlin Tarragon-Ginger (Sophisticated Soda)
The smell when initially opening the bottle was quite rancid, which made me worry about the flavor of this drink. But as it turns out, the flavor is not bad at all! It is not great
either, mind you, but definitely not as bad as the initial smell. The flavor is quite gentle and hard to notice, though it does get more noticeable toward the bottom of the bottle.
I also would have expected, based on the bottle design, that it would be organic and such. But it is mainly just a very chemical beverage. That was also slightly evident by the
poison green color of this drink. 5/10.
21. HOLYSHOT Tropical Cold Brew Coffee (organic energy shot)
This certainly was an interesting experience. I have not a clue how else to describe it. It was just, interesting. First you get hit by an overwhelming sweet fruitniness. Banana,
Grape, Cherry. Second, you get attacked by an excruciatingly strong coffee flavor. Thirdly an assault of sourness. During these three stages there is a gingery burn the entire
time through. The flavors do not mix, they just come one after the other in quick succession. It is such a weird experience. It does make me feel very energized though. 5/10.
22. Bionade Ginger Orange
Not very gingery, but still very good! I would say that it is worth a try! Even if it is not that ginger forward in flavor. The orange dominates the ginger quite a bit, but I like
oranges so this drink was still enjoyed. Rated this low for the gentleness of the ginger flavor. 5/10.
23. Butcha Kombucha Soda (ginger, lemongrass and green tea flavor)
I like this one, it has a very gentle flavor. The lemon grass really soothes my mouth and it is great. The ginger adds some spice to the back of my throat which adds some nice
complexity. I would recommend this one as a kombucha, but not so much as a ginger beverage. 5/10.
24. HOLYSHOT Ginger Lemon (organic superjuice shot)
It is so sour and spicy. assault of my tastebuds. Not bad though. I did have to push it down for damn near being able to feel my tooth enamel melt away. 5/10.
25. Why Not Organic Craft Soda (Peach + Ginger)
I really quite enjoy this one personally, It is just that the ginger notes are too subtle to land it higher o the list. It is more of a fruity, peachy drink than an actual ginger
drink, sadly enough. I did quite enjoy drinking it though! And I would recommend it. 4/10.
26. Royal Club Ginger Ale 0% Sugar
Underwhelming drink that is almost too watery for my taste. There is very weak spiciness noticeable, but it is not very present. It is not overly sweet, nor overly gingery.
Might be a good base to possibly throw inside some other drink to give it the faintest hint of ginger. 5/10.
27. G'nger After Party Shot (26% ginger + electrolytes)
What did I just put in my body. This smelled like medicine, and not the good kind. It smelled like the bottles of Promethazine juice I got when the pharmacy did not have any
more promethazine pills in stock. Abolutely abhorrent. It tasted decent though, somehow. My tastebuds are still absolutely confused and dumbfounded though. Maybe it i the
lemoncola (whatever that is) aroma that they added to it. I am just confused. Half decent drink. 5/10.
28. G'nger Immunity Shot (42% ginger + zinc & iron)
Very spicy and sour, quite decent all things considered. I think it is an alright pick when it comes to ginger shots. 5/10
29. Freeway Ginger Ale Original
This is a significantly better drink than I originally expected. I expected it to fall way below the other ales, so it is a pleasant surprise to get to rate it above a Royal Club
ginger ale. I thought it would be this bad because after I had the Freeway Ginger Beer Original, all my expectations disappeared. I do not have much to say for the taste. It is
ginger, it is a bit sweet, it is sparkly. The main drawback to this drink is that it once more rivals the sugar content of a can of monster energy. 4/10.
30. Batu Kombucha (ginger and lemon)
This drink smells quite bad, and the flavor is just odd. The ginger flavor is subtle, but it is definitely there, as if it is a gentle flame in the back of my throat. 5/10.
31. Royal Club Ginger Ale
Incredibly underwhelming oversweetened drink. It has very weak spice you have to have a strong imagination for to notice. The sweetness fights this away too. It is far
too expensive for what it brings to the table in my opinion, but it is stronger than a lot of other entries on the list. 4/10.
32. London Ginger Ale
Underwhelming oversweetened beverage with overly high sweetness and a lacking ginger flavor. It is not terrible, but I will refrain from getting it again in the future. 4/10.
33. Kugi ginger lime tumeric
Weird flavor, the alcohol penetrates through a lot more then I expected. It tastes more akin to a 16% beverage and not in a good way. The ginger does not have a strong presence and it feels very overshadowed by the boozey flavor. 4/10.
34. Schweppes American Ginger Ale
Very underwhelimg drink. It is from a brand I thought would be a lot better, so it was especially disappointing. It is sweet and does not have much ginger flavor 4/10.
35. G'woon Ginger Ale
Quite the bland ginger drink. It lacks in herbalness as does it in spiciness. It is also offensively sweet. Yet it is not an abhorrent drink. 4/10.
36. Freeway Ginger Beer original
One of the worst ginger beers I have ever had. At first it was very unique and interesting, but the more of it I tried, the more points it lost. It is very spicy, but not
in the way that ginger beer normally is. This notion is furthered by the fact that after a couple sips, the flavor of chili peppers. It is faint, but present, and even dominating
the ginger flavor. another drawback to this drink is that it is more sugar dense than most monster energy flavors with sugar inside. And the sweetness is not even noticeable.
Overall this drink is quite horrid. Would not reccomend.4/10.
37. G'nger Revive Shot (33% ginger, 8% curcuma + pepper & zinc)
I get why they called it a revive hot. I took a sip and physically recoiled. Such a strong bodily response. I though I was going to like it because of the ingredients listed
but how wrong I was. I would not reccomend this one. It attacked my senses in the worst way possible. I woul almost want to compare it to putting a hundred angry wasps into your
mouth. Not because of the spiciness, but because of the agression. Just, not my thing. 3/10.
38. Jumbo Ginger Ale
Sweet and barely any ginger. Not reccomended. 3/10.
39. Fentimans Ginger Beer & Muddled Lime
This drink is a monstrous mishandling of the original Fentimans gingerbeer. It lacks any and all pizazz and just removes all of what makes the original good. It might be
some people's taste, but it most definitely is not mine. Absolutely abhorent abombination. I would love for this drink to be removed from production so that a certain store
would start carrying the original instead of this summoned straight out of satan's book titled "ideas too horrendous to actually create" drink. 3/10.
40. G'nger Energy Shot (41% ginger + guarana & magnesium)
This is the first drink I was unable to bring myself to finish. I do not know why. It is so overwhelmingly strong in flavor and instantly made me feel nauseous. It is very spicy,
but in a different way than I am used to from ginger. The feeling of burn lingers on your lips and is generally unpleasant. This was really not my thing. 2/10.
41. NATURFRISK Ginger ale
This drink is a godawful abombination. It tastes like spoiled apple juice and feels like an assault against my brain and body. I would almost go as far as to say
that I regret having ever tried this drink at all. It sucks. It is a horrid abombination. It tastes like I would imagine Satan's spit mixed with apple juice and water
would taste. It even lacks any of the aspects I love so much in many ginger beverages. No spiciness, no warmth, no herbal flavors. Just the overwhelming God-awful flavor
of watered down apple juice. 2/10.
42. MIO MIO Mate+ ginger
This drink is a honestly quite good, I like it a lot. But it does not have any ginger flavor. It may be present but overwhelmed by the mate. I do not know, but I do not
taste any ginger. I love mate though, so I am sad to have to put it here. 1/10.
43. Charitea Green
Just a cold green tea. Does not belong on this list, only reason that I am rating it is because it is advertised as green tea with ginger. The ginger is not detectable. 1/10.