Alright, so i want to start this page off by saying the following: I am not big on Red Bull energy drinks. I am personally much more fond of Monster Energy. I just made this tierlist
because I was interested in what Red Bull tastes like as I had barely ever had it before. This also leads to me beig able to review the drinks a lot better, because I had never
before had these drinks. Anyway, please remember these are only my opininions and not objective facts, and please refrain from crucifying me over these opinions.
1. Red Bull Tropical Edition
Smells really strongly of passion fruit. I love passionfruit. This drink is just overwhelmingly passion fruit flavored and I honestly love it. This drink is just made for me. It
is sweet and passionfruit but also slightly sour almost. It tastes like eating a passionfruit. I wholeheartedly recommend it. 8/10
2. Red Bull Mixed Fruit China
The lack of carbonation always throws me off in energy drinks, it is just not something I expect of an energy drink. The flavor is similar to a pretty average mixed drink beverage,
but zero sugar. It has some slight sour backnotes which round off the flavor quite well. Some drink it reminds me off are Dubbeldrank and Taksi. I quite enjoy this one, surprisingly
great flavor. 8/10
3. Red Bull Sea Blue
This flavor is interesting. It has a smell way different than its flavor. It smells overly sweet and a bit odd, I have no clue how to properly describe it. It feels quite dry in my
mouth, that might be from the artificial sweetener used. It is a similar kind of dry that I get when drinking Lipton Iced Tea products. This is weird to me as it is not advertised
as a sugar free flavor. I do quite enjoy the actual flavor of this drink, but I doubt I would voluntarily pick up this drink thanks to its extraordinarily high price tag. 7/10
4. Red Bull Blue
The smell is quite confusing I am unable to properly place why that is the case. The flavor strongly reminds me of blueberry muffins or blueberry cookies, and I am personally quite
fond of blueberries. This flavor is much better than I couldd have ever expected, and I would definitely recommend it. 7/10
5. Red Bull Summer Edition 2024
It says it has elderflower flavoring, and I am fond of elderflower, so I immediately have expectations for how the drink should taste. It has a very faint smell almost like a floral
apple smell. I think that is quite interesting and promising. It has a lot smoother of a flavor, a lot gentler too. I quite like it, it is very refreshing. I can imagine it being
good at an ice-cold temperature on a hot summer day. I can honestly recommend it. 7/10
6. Red Bull Purple Edition
It is sweet, yet not overwhelmingly so. It is gentle on the taste buds, and the acai flavor is great. The flavor is smooth and also changes a bit whilst in the mouth. This is a pretty decent drink and I can honestly recommend it. 7/10
6. Red Bull Sugerfree
This one is quite similar in flavor to the regular red bull, just with significantly less sweetness. Honestly an upgrade. Once again, I'd still go for sugarfree home-brand energy
drinks. They, too, are less sweet, and just so much cheaper. 6/10
7. Red Bull
I don't understand why people go out of their way to buy this. It's just nothing special. It tastes like most other regular flavors of energy drinks. Very chemical. Don't get me
wrong, I don't dislike it, nor do I think it's gross, it's just such a standard flavor for energy drinks. Really nothing special. I wouldn't go out of my way to buy this over any
regular flavored homebound of energy. Saves me over a euro per can and you get practically the exact same flavor. 5/10
7. Red Bull Green Edition
Hmm, I do not quite like this flavor. It tastes off, not quite like cactusfruit either. It is sweet, but the sweetness feels like it covers everything, like a film preventing me from tasting the actual flavors of this drink. Not my vibe. 5/10
8. Thai Red Bull
This drink is so incredibly sweet, and the sugary sweet, not the artificial sweetness. It also gas a different texture too. It feels almost thicker, more syrupy than regular
redbull. It is uncarbonated which definitely adds to the weirdness of the drink. I'm very devided on whether or not I like it. On one side I like the actual flavors, on the other it
is way too sweet for me. 4/10
9. Red Bull Winter Edition (2024)
This is a weird one, it made me feel like something was tugging on my teeth physically. Like they were physically getting pulled inward. The flavor was a bit mediocre too, it felt very cold, even though it was a bit below room temp like I usually have my drink. I don't like vanilla either, so that adds to my dislike of this flavor too. I would not reccomend it. 3/10
7. Red Bull Pink Edition (sugarfree)
I remember there being INSANE amounts of hype surrounding this drink. It does not live up to it at all. It does not have much flavor to it at all, mainly some in the back of my throat. It is quite a weird drink, mainly just sweetness, and that is it. Sweet and not much else. Some light floral notes maybe? Not the drink for me. 3/10
9. Red Bull Apriocot Edition
I do not have any expectations for this one. I am going in with a completely open mind for what I think of this drink. It smells kind of sweet, like one of those fruity toffee chewy
candies. The ones that would always be handed out around Halloween. After the smell, the flavor just absolutely curb stomps you. It is the polar opposite of the smell. It is
surprisingly sour, especially in the back of the throat. There are also aspects of candy flavor, but less so. It also has some juice-like aspects in its flavor. I would personally
not recommend this flavor. 3/10
10. Red Bull Red
Low expectations as I generally am not big on watermelon flavored things. Somehow, this drink tastes like the most intense artificial watermelon flavoring I've ever had in my mouth.
Almost just straight flavoring. Absolutely horrid. It's just the worst flavor ever, and it does not even taste like watermelon. I love watermelons, the fake flavoring just always
misses the goalposts by a mile. Sweet and artificial. 3/10